Add body armor to all nations

noo, the fortnine-fication of games like what happened in COD

dude just look the models who exist in game,add some of them would be nice and wouldn’t be OP, and just look the mod Big Action mode for show you its a must

it seems i didnt communicate what i meant clearly, i’m afraid the addition of a very niche and obscure armor in this game would lead to a slippery slope where DF decided its cool to put make believe shit in game like those in COD and the PACA body armor in BF 5. Soviet armors are widely known and should be okay to be in game, 10% reduction doesnt seems very OP at all but if it calm german players then we can always make the armor pure cosmetics with no buff whatsoever

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Captura de pantalla 2024-05-31 213820
Captura de pantalla 2024-05-31 213803

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-12 232020
Captura de pantalla 2024-10-12 232931

Bring this to the game and body armor wont hurt,game already its hurt due constant spam of vehicles due whales

Even if they dont have one they might just decide that a thick coat might aswell qualify as armored just like some officer caps ingame already are.
But somehow the japanese helmets are not so there already is no consistancy in what is armored and what not.

The Japanese also had a variety of armoured steel bibs, some covered with fabric and others just steel. Along with some other armoured vests that sort of had small metal plates all over like scales too.

They even played around with this wacky backpack style armour from 1938-1940 that was like a metal shell on the back of soldiers.

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I guess this crying could be happen if even that resist was only 1%… BECAUSE 1 FREE %. IT"S A LOT. GERMANY SUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFER! DELETE IT. OR GIVE TO GERMANY IT TOOOOOOO.

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Well no, nobody would care about the bodyarmor if it was not for how many of the used weapons where affected by it. If you need an additional bullet to kill then it does make a diffrence. If MP 40 and FG needs another bullet to kill just because someone is wearing armor people would not care for the damage reduction and how it is implemented.

It’s not affect current gameplay in enlisted.
Idk in which game you play.
And for that being useful at least a bit you had to put this shit on everyone to the last.
Also put perk on vitality on them too.
And then on some narrow medium distance you will be take 1 bullet more before die…

Imo. It’s thing for braindead meta players and braindead meta haters. Not real game changer.

How is 2 shot into a 3 shot at CQC range " not affecting the gameplay" ?
Or even worse 1 shot into a 2 shot ? In the later case if makes you 100% more resistant in turn making semi auto fire useless.



Show me your source.

Keep the thread on-topic and the conversation civil and respectful. If you want to fight amongst yourselves, do it in the PM system, not the forum.

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1% damage resist wouldn’t do anything, 20% damage resist actually does

I’ll pick a random gun, lets go with Kiraly SMG, it does 7.9 damage so two shots to the torso is 15.8, but body armor brings that down to 12.6 damage. This means with vitality (13.5 total hp before going down), you are tanking an extra shot from the gun just because of how you spent your appearance orders

Soviet body armor is a biased game mechanic in my opinion


for me body armor is not a big deal cause you mostly play against bots and players worse than bots.
BUT i want it removed cause it violates basic equipment balance that should be based on just weapon stats between nations, it is only available for separate currency that you cant earn by playing normally(*outside events and BP) and lastly it is only available to one nation.

for me it would be somewhat acceptable if:

  • it was available for all nations
  • it is equipment(like binoculars or flasks) buyable with silver

even then it would affect balance of some weapons that had some unique advantages over some other weapon on same BR.


Wtf you all take this numbers from?
20%? Where? Show me your damned source.

2.8 is 20%, not 10%.
Where the fk you take your numbers from?
Did you really lived in a fantasy world until now, where body armor resist 20! %?

It’s a thing that’s should be just unique part of equipment for soviets with it’s unique buffs and debuffs.
Not as customize bs. As stick mine for japs.

Give me normal source.
Like your own calculation related to enlisted resource.

ah okay I checked the datamine and its indeed 10%, thanks for the correction :slight_smile:

By the way, stop being so angry and try being more civil :slight_smile:


this wouldnt be problem if everything unique about germans wasnt basically just copied by soviets(e.g. panzerfaust and as44). either we have unique and asymmetrical balance or we have copy pasted symmetrical balance.

go calculate yourself if you want to disprove something. i gave you my source.

btw here is hint. make graph. mark damage on 10m and damage on 100m on that graph and pull a line.


no - only Soviets used armor on a big enough scale, while it itself was more useless than useful to begin with.