Add a standard IS-2 1944 without meshes as gold order/event


It’s such a beautiful beast without the improvised extra armor.

Would love to use this cosmetic instead of the default one, as gold order/unlockable through gameplay/event.


Not (!) as another progression tree unlock though.


We got the panzer 4/70 A skin without the sideskirts so i dont see any problems adding this one. They already have an is 2 1943 skin in the editor and they might use it also in the next bp season

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While we are at it why not add this beauty as a premium/event vehicle?

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This tank is very ugly. It looks like it was built on a scrapyard.

Please add a version without steel screens.

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No. Premiums or events shouldnt give better gear that we have in progression. It would be extremely unfair or p2w. Premiums and events should only give cool prototypes that are too rare to be in progression


Well I never said that it cannot be included in the regular tech tree. Since the theme of this post was a gold order vehicle I worded my comment in this way. Plus we have a precedent in this regard. The Chi Ha and the Chi Ha Kai. Whether this should indeed be the case is a different issue altogether.

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The chi ha and chi ha kai decision was dumb. Same thing with the 100 round thompson and halftracks


Are these prototypes too rare?
well JP’s Tokyo Arsenal SMG has something to say about that.
This game has long stopped caring about historical correctness

I couldn’t have agreed more.

Japans entire tree is full of prototypes. There just isnt anything to add for japs except for protos

Isn’t this tank exactly that?

It would be p2w if this thing would be locked behind paywall. If they will ever add this everyone should have equal chance to get it

just like…
you’re right
Now it seems to me that the T54_1949 prototype/IS-3 appearing on the tech tree/in the event is necessary

Ew what even is that?

Then it’s good for event

So only certain people who were playing during the event could get it? No thanks

Either that or accept the fact meta on Soviet BR5 side will be basically prototypes and nothing else.
But since we already have RD and AS, it probably doesn’t matter.

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The t44 would be way too good to be restricted for certain people. Or else we could lock tiger 2 and super pershing for an event because they were also rare


Sorry, nothing beautiful about that, I’m talking about a real historical mass produced WW2 vehicle skin, not fantasy alt history prototype bananza.

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Oh, that’s T-44. For some unknown reason, I thought it’s T-34/100 .

I feel like my brain is complete shutdown for past few months lmao

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