Add a 100 round MG 34, 42 or 81

first time

When GE players complain to Japanese players that they don’t have enough equipment and US have stinger and 100 rounds LMGS while we are fighting them with even less equipment then GE xD


all germany tech tree has gotten since merge are lazy tank clones, it’s just sad


Germany should get a MG42 with 100 rounds, would be fair, and should have like 200 rounds total maybe. I think that it would be cool anyway, but i havent really played germany in a while so idk.

I support 100 round mg 34s and 42s but i think 100 rounds should be the limit. If we add more it will become too unbalanced. Stinger needs to get its historically accurate capacity of 100 rounds to balace it out

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It could be balanced, with some additional mechanics that devs won’t add.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it equal firepower, each faction is unbalanced and overpowered in their own way. That’s just part of our broken system and the way they chose to do the matchmaking, release schedule on items, as well as planning for item release.

Can’t hundred percent blame the devs on that one though, seeing as most of their staff have been gutted out from underneath them for war thunder. There’s a lot of equipment that had no counter to it for quite a long time, And there’s always going to be army biased for a certain country. I blame it not on the devs or the player but the scope of the project being outgrown into something far larger than expected, as well as the constant flip-flop in “X nation needs nerf, Y nation needs this item removed”.

I’m thinking the best way at least immediately off the top of my head is introduce cool down, The same type of cooldown that they have on HMGs, As well as something like a 12.5 second reload vs a 5-6 second one and sprint being disabled/80% reduced due to the extremely ridiculous amount of weight being carried in terms of ammo and equipment. Only then could something above 100-200 rounds be attainable and not broken.

Personally I’d remove ADS (unless mounted) and maybe sprint from guns with 100 and more ammo.
But I’d give them option to swap for short belt the same way rifle grenades work. So they can be more agressive if needed.

Imo it would be a very cool mechanic. But it doesn’t fit the brainrot CoD playstyle so mostlikely it will never happen.

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BFV MMGs were awesome. Best Arcade MGs ever.

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True. I’d even say the best in all games, not only arcade (at least all games I know about).

Shame they nerfed damage though. (Also extra recoil for the first bullet drives me crazy. It’s against the whole design of the weapon!!!)