Hmhm… sure whe like grind mp40 eternally and no one asked for an unified research tree because the grind is becomed heavy for everyone who have a life
This just keeps baffling me everytime. The 2-3 years ive “played” this game it has had equipment from wrong time in every campaign.
Not to mention the “squads” can be pretty much equipped with what ever disregarding the “historical immersion” completely.
Okay. Lets just keep it as it is and let it die in matter of weeks.
And ? Since the campaigns get removed now people with assault rifles from moscow can also join the fun wagon with others.
And who cares ? Theres always been weapons from wrong timeline in every campaign.
Quite sure the moscow campaign for example is rather dead due to “historical immersion” which favors rather highly the other faction.
Now, the moscow maps gets ppl from other “campaigns” in somewhat balanced way.
I wouldn’t say I “love the grind” especially in regard to unlocking the same weapon multiple times, but I totally agree with the other points you made.
i have many questions,i am a tunisia main,i mostly play tunisia,like i am going to lose my soldiers?like lorenzo Riveberi?i have many soldiers that i realy like cuz i played with than since the start of the capaing and i would like to continue with this same soldeirs,other question what is going to happen with the moroccan troopers premiun squad? as they use the berthier m16 which is a basic french rifle, what means it cant be a premiun gun in the french tech tree,also what is going to happen with mixed squads?for what i could understand there will be nations now in game,so what is going to happen with my british-american squads and italo-german squads?i think thats all and sorry by all my questions :))
It’s funny how people are now concerned about things I’ve warned of months before this update was even thought of.
Good evening. I am speaking in the name of my 45 members squad and we beg you: don’t kill this amazing game with the matchmaking stuff.
We need something dude.
I played today like 10-12 games. I can’t get the “Win a match” from the event. Normandy allies is hell. Abandoned the game after release +1 month. Had 68% win ratio.
Now i’m sitting in 52%. Next time i came back to check the forum its going to be much lower.
Imagine that the enemy has Rommel, Himmler, Paulus and the entire German marshals.
And we have Private Ryan… When he is crying…
Forgive me to say this, but this is so bullshit.
/Rant over/
I’m not a veteran like most of the people right there in these forums, so i don’t every intricate problems this game may have…but it seems like its a huge overhaul in a good way and i hope with enough advertisement and right changes Enlisted will get positive attention which it actually deserves!
every single one of you breakdowns on my comment was terrible. ‘‘Game has already wrong eqipment here and there’’ it’s about what could have been avaiable there and then, game is pretty solid stuck to that, few outliers here and there, and I am all for removing them too.
This arguement is stupid as hell, you don’t get it. Just because no squad in Moscow was equipped with 4 Assaulters with Fedorov doesn’t break it’s immersion, because that could have been the case, that weapon was around that time in that army. Now it wasn’t but it could have been. That’s the part you and other brainless toads don’t get.
To make this change they proposing, we could bring an IS-2 and some PPS 43 to moscow 1941, that is breaking the immersion.
Keep game as is and it die in matter of weeks?
game still running years as is.
It needs to change, but not break into a new game completely that throws the old one out, that what is made people come in first place. That playing moscow 1941 campaign playing the squads/weapons/vehicles available right there and the facing what they faced, immersed in history. coming from War Thunder and finally getting rif of being swarmed in your Tiger tank by pizza cars.
Let other with assault rifles join fun wagon? what wagon you on about?
all stems from your inability to understand the concept of the immersion, cause broken down your whole comment is based on that and same thing. think harder get more creative, your mind ain’t up to it.
The fact remains Historical accuracy really is that simple. It was there or it wasnt there.
No it wasnt. It was used in winterwar and majority of them expected to be “destroyed” and since there really wasnt spare parts or domestic production for 6.5 arisaka ( Not that I know of ) Its just as highly unlike as T-50 driving from leningrad to moscow.
This what if, maybe or whataboutism just dont fit in HA.
It is just that simple.
No we get it just fine, but its not Historical accuracy.
For who ? If we stictly stay to this HA subject, I honestly cant care less is there IS2, Fedorov, Stg44 none of them were there. So they are just as “immersion” breaking, it doesnt make any differency.
Sure its doing just fine, devs just decided to take this path only to annoy some “HA” enthusiast that cant even decide what theyr vision of HA is.
Yea pal that makes perfect sense.
Custom games.
Imagine, in custom games you can actually face exactly what was used in moscow. Not a single timetraveller.
The one we are heading to. Finally after years a matchmake that makes balanced games.
It actually seems that you dont understand the concept of immersion you are talking about.
For me, HA is exactly what it is. It was there or it wasnt there.
For you HA is well it could have been there
Next wants absolute historical accuracy aka squads with majority armed with BA rifles
Next cares more about costumes.
What you fail to understand here with your “immersion” is the fact that every each one of you who are now shedding tears over “HA” have different view of the immersion regarding HA.
You expect there to be 500 different types of HA matchmakes to people choose which one of the HA immersion fits theyr need ?
OR perhaps it would make more sense to give them tools in custom games to create exactly such games as they think is historically accurated ?
Let that sink in for a while buddie.
Totally agree!
Developers please! add presets and blocks based on the map(campaign) in which we will play.
Bringing people together and balancing is necessary, but don’t sacrifice accuracy. Don’t make this game overly casual for casual gamers.
Ps there are endless ways to balance people and bots in games, not necessarily by uniting them all.
wow you still going?
You REALLY have a hard time grasping shit huh?
Still on about same thing, still don’t get it. keep bashing your head man, good luck with that… jesus…
After the update game will become even more casual than battlefield 5 since even they can pick mode and server they want to play
How would it be “even more casual” than that dumpster fire?
Agreed. This will make the game far more accessible and balanced. At least on paper. It’s all in the executgion of course.
ya this is kinda sad
tell me why oh why its limited to one per day??,
If it was 1 task within three days that would be so much better, since not everyone who plays this game can play everyday or even at their PC’s everyday.
Sorry Chief, you’re not getting away with that kind of Coporate half arsed semi-truth that easily.
Im going to have to hold you to a DEFINITIVE response on this issue.
1.) Will weapons, squads and equipment, previously locked by the Full Access Paywall be suddenly available to grind for free, after the switch to a nationwide Techtree?
2.) Will we keep our extra Squad slots?
3.) Will we continue to recieve an exp Bonus?
These are the Questions that you HAVE to answer, because if stuff that was previously only available for real money is getting removed or change into free access, then that is opening you up to tidal waves of lawsuits.
Dont think for a second we are not aware of this.
i just think you aint aware of TOS, or, you did read it / understand it when you joined the game.
if dont, read it again. you own nothing inside the game. so lawsuits get you nowhere besides loosing money.