About the "balance"

we probably know that the br system is… well C O M P L E T L Y B R O K E N it have a lot of issues, like the br3 facing against br 5 even low br is not safe because i was playing br2 and i found a t34-85 in Moscow Affortunely i killed it several times saving my team, but i can´t imagine what if i wasn´t there with my babyfaust (sturmpistole) also sometimes the matchmaking by br is not enough ngl when you literally facing chinamans on streroids meanwhile your team is full with bots :, V but that´s another topic lets focus on the br level.

first of all if you are playing low br you dont wanna found up tier tanks like the sherman with 105 mm
or a pz IV J, or even a t34 with 85mm

Oh yes… F I X br 3 i never found a br 3 guy in low br, but in br 4-5 i found a lot of them. so consider this…

Br 1 is only gonna to play with br 1 because isn´t fair to face any nation in low br using br 3 tanks and in some cases br 2 or even planes the biplanes are just weak against br 2- 3

Br 2-3 is more balanced br 2 have a lot of useful weapons that sometimes can even be better than their higher levels XD like the stukas, Grant, dauntless, fnab, mp40, pps 42, bazookas, grb-39 etcetera…

BR 4-5 i don´t have to explain why these 2 are apart from the rest due to mental healtly (Berlin memories)

before end this post i wanna say a little rule that i hope that it can be applied to the game if you are using br 2 the game will “try” to find people with the same br yes it can take more time to enter to a game but you know that you are just going to face the same br equivalent.

if the matchmaking system cannot find players with the same br it will face you against br 3 the same goes if you are in br 4. ( This doesn´t applies to br 1 it will take more time to find a game but it will finally will be fair)

Oh yes about the chinamans well… if you are lucky and you found a good team you ca deal with them, if not pray the br system just cover the br level not the player hability that´s will be disscused in another topic srry : <

: )


agree dude

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Better to let BR 1 and 2 stay together while BR 3 remains alone by itself.

Reason being BR 1 and 2 are far more closer in terms of strenght gap, than BR 2 is to BR 3.

Let’s look at few strong points for the issue.
Semi-auto rifles are mandatory in BR 3, while BR 2 still stays mostly with Bolts and their Semis are weak. Just take Gewehr 41 against Armaguerra or bolts like Winch/Lee against M1 Garand.

MGs of BR 3 heavily overshadow any BR 2 in performance. Yes there are no BR 1 MGs, but BR 2 MGs are generally restricted in capabilities, either by RPM or Magazine capacity to prevent them from dominating against BR 1. There would be no middle ground between a Madsen or DP-27 nor MG-13/ZB-26 or MG34.

This case goes even for AT and tanks being significantly stronger at BR 3.


It ain’t that bad. II can absolutely handle III and III can handle V if you’re willing to put some work in

i dont agree, first of all the planes get easily killed by br 2, also considering Antitank rifles all are trash against br 2 tanks, the mg´s seems not to be dangerous, the zb madsen are a very big trouble, both have very god fire rate, and permomance in battle, also submachine guns are very slow in low br and in br 2 we have more dentcent ones as the pps 42, which can be even comparable to br 3,4 german submachine guns, also the early semi auto rifles can ruin our day, manlicher, and winchester have a better fire rate than other rifles, i dont wanna talk about the tanks the br 1 cuties can´t do anything to a early panzer iv and panzers 3, the same goes with stuarts and t60.

why br 2-3? im gonna to give you more reasons first of all the bazookas are alredy in br 2, and the german have the sturmpistole which can deal with the kv and even t34 85. the soviets ans americans have bazookas useful even with tanks like the stug, pz 4 J.

A rifle is a rifle dude a simple manlicher with the reload per shot perk can be even more lethal than the svt. the same goes with the winchester. also submachine guns like the fnab and the mp40 can deal with the pps43 and the ppsh box.

i dont see to much difference in planes all are very good against their equivalent so that´s depends on the pilot.

the tanks are a little bit problemtic but no to much because the versions of T50, t28 grant and i think that the sherman ll too can work against stugs, and pz iv J the same goes with the puma, pzlll N which can deal with the kv´s, shermans ( at close range) with this one.

Oh yes the 105 sherman… Even br3 tanks have some difficult trying to contain this thing but if You know His weakspots it Will be free xp

Don’t forget about the rule: if You are playing br 2 the Game Will try to find only br2 players the same goes for the rest

so br 2-3 ins’t to much difference after all You can handle it : )

Agree but You have to be good at playing this thing, not all players have this kind of power

And those players should stay in BR II where they belong till they CAN handle High Tier. Cause BR III or BR V, High Tier is a sweat fest no matter what you’re rocking nor what side you’re on

I play br 3 when i want to grind br 1-2 is for chilling (sometimes)

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II for chill gaming
III for Enlisted gaming
V for the “fun toys” (P-47 and Stinger)

You are having fun in br5 if You play US, as a Germany Main i don’t play br5 because i don’t have anything exceptly the fg and a plane and theres is fullfield with bots : C

That’s the luck of the draw on updates unfortunately. Should’ve played V Germans at Merge. Lol

another one

i got console team

In the hands of a decently capable player, meaning less than 30% of current playerbase. You can see it in most matches where only the 3+/- players topping leaderboards are even able to push above their weight, the rest usually being cannon fodder or less combat effective.

Uff, I wanna see that happening especially for the PPsh-41. Kind of interesting MP40/Fnab is something you use as a leverage since generally GE agrees that PPs-43/42 is uncontestedly better and now you wish to put those already weaker guns against a stronger variant of Soviet SMG, seems kind of backwards thinking if you ask me.

Sure biplanes maybe, but most fighters of BR 1 are capable going toe to toe. Issue is usually the lack of armaments for CAS, but last I saw Bfs 109/IAR-81C, Hurricanes or Yaks did not exactly struggle, unless the pilot was at fault.

As for AT or tanks, sure that might be the only category it might work, though still in favor of Allies with KV-1s and M4A3(105)s that would rampage through most BR 2 players, while GE armor generally poses less threat at BR 3.

Might wanna think about what you really wish for tbh, especially since Allies/Soviets currently harbor most vets and playerbase popularity.

You know that will not work due to playerbase being small, or you are betting on it to camp with BR 3 weapons. The soft rule of max +/- 1 BR does not work now in most cases, so having a “rule” of locking BR to its own matchmaking will not work either.

I think beating your head in twice in a row with a single Engi squad in Stalingrad might not have been enough Mr. COD run n’gun SMG. Might wanna give it another go, shall we, maybe allowing you BR 5 guns could balance this match more evenly though.

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Seems that You are mad dude : ) You beated me that rigth but i honestly don’t care but why You put a different topic there? We we’re talking about “balance” not about our games also that happened like 2 MONTHS AGO i didnt Even remember the details exceptly the fact that You win, Well played i Guess. Anyway if You want to Challenge me do it

I mean you took a nice poke at my skill, with the “After all, You can handle it” so I thought I might wish to give one back. Funny you adress the last paragraph only, that is the only one not adressing the issue of the topic, but gg anyway.

But I digress, like I said the “lock rule” would not work the same way current “soft rule” does not. As of now Allies/Soviets harbor most vets and playerbase. Results for such a change would be for BR 2-3 matches having a higher ratio of BR 3 users for Allied side than the amount of Axis BR 3 users.

Now that would significantly hurt both GE/Japan in these BR brackets, but since BR 3 can go up to BR 5, it might also change that enviroment and balance it out more in favor of Axis as potentially having a match filled with BR 3 players would be much more enjoyable than a match facing a full gold/Marshal BR 5 Allied team.

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Sorry i didint an idea about what i was about to Say about the ppsh and the pps in a shorter version both weapons are good in the rigth hands, the only thing that their recoil is very controlable also i was talking only from the br overwall for a balance not giving especifications to “nerf” or “buff” this weapon just making the br system a little bit more comfortable

Also you’re rigth on this in this case the new br idea affects a little bit Germany/Japan so…
I Will consider this for a new topic where the balance Will be 1-2 3-3 4-5 no soft rules or things like that, if i’m using br 3 i just gonna to play with br 3 no br 1-2 or 4-5 nope just 3

Sadly i think that the devs had other ideas so i think that they Will not care about this topic or this conversation : (

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Yeah, I am thinking of finally getting done my suggestion for the Body armor BS, since nobody has brought it up in a firmly formulated topic so we can get rid of the stupid damage reduction. Might help out the currently unfavourable situation of GE against Soviets at least a little.

I know what you mean, however most casual players would most likely stuggle just due to the current weapon balance dynamic and specifically the overuse of SMGs which mainly favours Soviets in this case. I do not mind facing BR 3, but most can not say the same and the last thing I want from a multiplayer FPS is to be playing Singleplayer with/against bots.

But hey, put more though into it and you might come up with a great idea for BR system. The current one struggles in certain areas, especially when T34-85 drives up against Pz. IIs, so anything can be better than that tbh.

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Germany and Japan is actually like this ngl the migrant players base killed that nations
And players like me and probably other 10 ramdom chinamans are defending this player base XD

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Be right there tommorow then. I can rush my last Soviet research and migrate to GE and get going for full tree research.

There is quite the amount of guys on official discord every day going GE of any BR. I often join those going for BR 1-3, to help out and keep my feel for the weapons. I heard other discords, like the one from MajorMc have the same thing so going PUG is quite popular for GE especially.

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I can help You with that XD you are gonna suffer if You do it alone ngl