About the "balance"

Mmm no thx i personaly Made the things by My own but i Will consider it because sometimes i want to play with more people

Rushed the last 1700 exp on AS-44, then rushed RD-44, Maxim and BM. Had 550 K in store, now its a ghost town.

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Wow You are fast advancing on this thing for My party im actually in br 4 things i only completed the fg42 line

I don’t know about you, but in my BR III line up the START button now shows only BR II - IV as the MM limit.

So it appears that one of the most sought after changes from many posters on the forums at the very least, if not the broader Enlisted community has infact been stealth dropped in.

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Oh yes the br was changed, basically is 1-2
2-3 3-4 4-5 repectively but it have a Lot of mistakes when You are fácing br 3 in br 1 ( something that was not supposed to happen) thats the why of the post : )

No need to be good at
As long as you are fully equipped, you can effectively fight
But many players always climb up the ladder without adequate equipment and knowledge.
This is the worst

I have ranted a time or two about the uselessness BR3 has become. I can use my BR3 BAR 1918A2’s and my level 3 Thompson’s and get by against level 5 weapons with the exception of them both being overmatched with their mag sizes vs level 5 weapons. That being said, I don’t believe there are any fully auto/semi auto rifles in BR3 and I don’t know of any BR4 fully auto semi’s, at least not with the Allies.

So, my idea of where to cut off middle levels would be with your semi’s. If level 3 and or level 4 have only true semi auto’s, then I would not have them competing against fully auto/semi auto’s, which is what they face in BR level 5.

I highly doubt anything is ever going to change as Gaijin is selective to what suggestions they listen to. At this time, I only play level 1-3 and level 5 matches since there is no point in pitting my level 3 weapons against level 5. Just like I think a level 3 premium squad is useless to buy unless it is offered “WITH FULLY CHANGABLE” weapons. If Gaijin expects to continue sticking level 3 with level 5, then offer a BAR with a 40 round mag so I can use it without running out of ammo before every other weapon on the battlefield. :rofl: In fact, DEV’s, make a BR 5 level BAR with a 40-50 round mag and I will buy it. :wink: