well i was little go on google and serch just look photo down
and also there is third image about its better then aa
Were is the suggestion?
well its its sugestion look 1 and 2 there is 2 main barrel and also third one what we need to see in game that can kill tank and aircraft german have to much good wepons too
Agreed, mp40 is op as it has a box magazine and does 0.1 more damage! Let’s not talk about amazing beretta m38, aka “uber chad commando gun” with 20 bullets box mag.
Nerf nerf nerf, Soviets suffer.
Dude this is a low-BR unit once the merge come, there’s is 0 reason to buff it you gonna fight biplane and pz2 with him…
Given that:
A) Current Gaz truck is event only
B) More SPAAGs will probably be added to research trees
C) Double cannon Gaz is in War Thunder already
I see no reason why this one shouldn’t possibly be added later. It’s just a moderate upgrade over the event one.
TBH I would rather have the GAZ with dushka than the one we have now.
You joke but once merge come beretta M1 (aka tommy slayer) and fnab43 (aka 0 dispersion gun) become OP for their BR
well it be good example to we can reserch gaz wepons when we are bored of aa we can put in gaz truck other gun
if we talk about aa german always have flak with 4 barrel ussr 2
and also i not tell this gaz is trash or something there are good but for human only and also not good for aircraft and tanks
Got replaced by one barrel 20mm and before everyone had 4x 20mm flak but wahtever.
well its is something 1 barrel 20 mm dont do shit 2 barrelt 20mm that mean 1 bullet give to much dmg imagine then 4x barrel how much its opi but german was op in ww 2 by some aa and tanks
Again no one has the 4x 20mm anymore so what do you want?
well i read real documentary and i can say 4 barrel exist but i cant find that flak with 4 barrel i dont remember how its called
I think he is saying: real life german have a 4x flak to OP so soviet in the game need patriot
I would be more concerned about M16/ M45 Quad.
gib me M16
Those nasty mapple juice suckers then.