About gaz mmm 72k



All right, then stupid Canadians.


When more SPAA is added


well that is for usa

well guys no do meme here or image for war thunder please

When the add SPAA that’s what’s going to happen here though.

we already have spaa i have it

Not in the rest of the campaigns though. (like normandy, berlin, tunisia, stalingrad)

for german in berlin
for tunisia italy
for normandy there is no spaa historicly speaking for german idk
for stalingrad katyusha and for german is idk

in japan champain we already have 2 sppa in japan side and in usa

How about dont count gaz as armored vehicle and make it possible to use it along tanks, without takeing their place in mach? Like 2 tanks tickets and 2 trucks tickets to use for team at once. It would be usefull if they ever introduce those ideas of mobile spawn in halftrucks and such.

I love champain;]

But Iam afraid that Japs have only thing named ,Sparkling Sake"
Its fake;[

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If you wish to talk about the mp40, here is the thing: It’s a lot more controllable and reliable for medium range. That is where it excels. In comparison, the Soviet SMGs have fire rate and ammo count to their advantage for short range, where they excel.
Those two weapons are designed for slightly different uses, and should not be directly compared for “balance” purposes.

Now regarding the actual topic at hand: The Soviet SPAA vs German SPAA.
The soviet one does seem to be a little bit at the disadvantage due to lack of armor. While it would be nice if the mobility fully made up for it, it simply does not. An option to change out the weapon could be an intriguing balance change.

well in that cvhapaing bot side have sppa

no doubts
just had to make joke about your japan champain
you, know champain is type of alcochol and iam bored :upside_down_face:

KugelBlitz would be nice to see :slight_smile:

I am not worried that these would be too OP because they are very light tanks and should be easy to destroy.

Although I suppose the Wirbelwind would be much more reasonable

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well i dont know about alcoholic i talk about in game stuuf