A way to balance the panther in Normandy

Every 100 feet it travels, make the crew get out and repair the blown transmission.

On the 3rd breakdown, the crew can’t fix it again, and it becomes a stationary AT gun.

There. Problem solved.


Panther has so many counters, c’mon Det Packs, P51, P47, A20, Firefly, M10, Bazooka even, mines…

Just because something is tough, people cry nerf, c’mon guys ask questions, adapt not nerf!


here we go again :joy: :joy: :joy:



Woody would disagree here.
“We NeEd 76Mm JuMbO M36 aNd M26 cAuSe I nEeD jUmBo ArMoR oR oP gUn”

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I’m so saving this picture!


this wont change anything lol. people just sit in the greyzone


The crappy Normandy maps are the greatest counter to the Panther.

I honestly just equipped my entire crew with StG 44’s and use the Panther as an APC with an assault rifle squad. I had more fun that way and stopped having to worry about getting stuck all the time and playing dodge the Detonation Pack.

I literally can kill a panther with a stuart, I’ve yet to have a serious problem with panther.


Players like u deserve to face Maus


Dont fight them Jumbo defenders with their own weapons, this behavior damaged the balance of the game.

Panther is superior to the Jumbo, thus unbalanced, thus if you say just dont fight the jumbo with your tank you say its OK for the game to be unbalanced.

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You realize this was a joke, right?

too soon bro… too soon

German tanks Op pls nerf :rofl: :fu:

What’s funny is that was with a Stug III.

As a Stug III owner I can say that the STUG is a Jumbo without no MG or turret.
Jumbos struggle more to penetrate the STUG, than Panzer IV and Stug struggle to get through the Jumbo. The Stug driver hatch is a weakspot, but with a bit of angling the Jumbo will not penetrate the Stug.

Easy fix don’t fight a Jumbo head on because that’s suicide in the first place if your seen retreat and move to his flank. only things you should sit there and laugh at is the tragically pitiful M5A1 Stuart and the M8 Scott.

so the Jumbo is the better tank then. A skilled player can “choose to have the enemy not get behind him”, however a skilled player can not choose to get behind a skilled tanker.

This “JuST FLaNk bRo” rubbish has never been a valid point.

If you don’t like having to use tactics to defeat your enemy this isn’t the game for you go play WoT or CoD if that’s how you want to play, I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up this is a gag topic anyway.

Hypocritical Germans, as usual