A suggestion for the future of sub-factions


Sub-factions have been a part of Enlisted since the addition of the Tunisian Campaign back in 2021. Back then sub-factions worked well in the campaign system, as they were British and Italian troops were all relegated to Tunisia, however after the merge several issues began to surface.

You would have immersion breaking issue like Italians fighting in the Battle of Moscow. Further, should a player wish to equip a squad with fully British or Italian troops, or perhaps trying to avoid these troops, they will tun into difficulties when Enlisting soldiers depending on their class or rank.

The following suggestions is meant to address these issues in a way that I think most everyone can be happy with.

My Suggestion

My suggestion is a fairly simple one, move the option for minor nation selection to the appearance customization screen. For example, choosing between the UK or US and it would switch the appearance, uniform options and voice of the soldier.

I’d also recommend locking these customization options only for campaigns that the particular countries participated in. For example, Italy would only be playable in Tunisia and Stalingrad. The UK would only be in D-Day and Tunisia.’

This has the advantage of preserving immersion by allowing a soldier’s nationality to be treated more as a cosmetic, but it also would allow the addition of more sub-factions into the game without it getting too out-of-hand. Hungarian or Finnish troops could be added to the Axis faction for Eastern Front. Free France to the Normandy and Tunisia Campaigns. Manchukuo to Japan if the Manchurian Front is added. China to the Allies or Siam to Japan if the Burma Campaign was added.

If you wanted to get a little crazy, then you could even add the Sino-Japanese War this way without adding an entirely new faction.


In summary, this suggestion has several advantages for both the players and developers of enlisted, including:

  • Allowing greater player control of soldier sub-factions.
  • Preserving immersion by restricting sub-factions to battles in which they participated.
  • providing another customization option for players to spend appearance orders or gold on.
  • allowing additional sub-factions to be more easily added to the game.

@ChristIsKing〸 made a similar suggestion. Credit where it is due. You can read it here: ChristIsKing’s suggestion


this this this this this this this this

post this on the subreddit too

however, nationality should not be locked to campaigns, what if someone uses an italian squad in berlin? do you suddenly just have the Bersaglieri squad become german speaking?


Already done!

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Appreciate the shout-out.

From what I’ve been told, the developers received the initial suggestion positively and expressed an inclination to implement it.

However, since then it only remained as an idea and no work been done on it. It may not be a priority at the moment, given their current workload and tight schedule. To be fair the game has bigger issues that need to be addressed and to some extent this is just fluff.

I do agree on your take that expanding this type customization could be a good monetary incentive and would also fix things such as Italians fighting in random places they have no business in taking part.


Not sure if it’s really that immersion-breaking, there were Italians fighting on the eastern front.

But yes, I do want the option to choose nationality of new soldiers.

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Not in the Battle of Moscow. In Stalingrad and other such battles though, yes.

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I would love to, but it would take more nations because there were many fighting in North Africa and in Europe, I mean Poles, Greeks, Czechs, Danes, Norwegians, Spanish, Dutch, Luxemburgers plus the colonial troops, and regarding the Chinese I could have them in a new campaign of the Sino-Japanese war, the campaign in China, such as the battle of Shanghai.


Eh, not sure.

I do get iffy about them getting German uniforms rather than Italian winter uniforms though.


Definitely want to see Italian Winter uniforms added. Just look at the drip



I made a post the other week asking about British and Italian soldiers because it is completely disheartening and disappointing that they have been removed from the games because of the merge. It makes me dislike the merge entirely.