A few high-BR Machine Gun suggestions

None of that has anything to do with anything I said.

It will be because the Stinger was not the main light machine gun of the Allies in WW2 as was the Browning M1919A6, adding that the Stinger is a Rare Weapon as it is a Modification The Browning M1919 is a rare weapon with only 6 units built in the Pacific Campaign,Unlike its German counterpart, the MG34/42, which was the main light machine of that army


What you mean is that I should settle for a light one like the MG 08/15, which is totally inferior to the MG34, MG34/41, MG15, MG39, MG81, MG81Z, MG42 and MG45. It makes no sense at all what you want to tell me, that the Axis Faction should settle for a weapon that would be Tier III in the German research tree.

Okay, I’ll try to walk you through this one more time.

We have established that the MG 08/15 is the equivalent to the top MG unlock for both factions the germans will fight (the Maxim-Tokarev for the Soviets and the Browning 1919 for the Americans).

So, therefore there are two options moving forward:

Option 1) The Germans have machine guns that are far superior to the top unlocks of their rival factions, and therefore should not receive any new machine guns in the foreseeable future.

Option 2) The Germans do not have machine guns that far out class the MG 08/15, in which case it would be a good addition to the tech tree as a German counterpart to the Soviet and American top tier MG unlocks.

Also as a side note, all of the other German machine guns you have mentioned either are already in the game, don’t existed, or were never issued to infantry units. Please do just a small amount of research to stop yourself from looking so foolish in the future.

There are no MG34/41, MG81, MG81Z. But there is the MG34, the MG42 with the reduced rate of fire and ammunition capacity, just like the MG45. But the MG42 is treated worse in this game.

I also mention again that MG 08/15 will be a Tier III weapon in the German research tree, and about the Machine Guns that are already there, the Developers have to Fix them by putting them The Ammunition Rate and Capacity that Corresponds to Them

The weapons in the tree are fairly historically accurate. The MG-42 was only issues with 50 round magazines to infantry. It did not have larger belts except on emplaced weapons. The RoF is a little slow, but they did issue heavy bolts towards the end of the war with that limited it to 900 rpm. I would mind seeing it bumped up to 1000-1200 rpm, but that also means more reloading.

There is no way the MG-08/15 should be BR3. It is ridiculous to suggest that.

Even though the mg08/15 would be veey interesting I feel like ther is a little bit better option of the mg08/18, which was the air-cooled variant that was a little bit lighter and would fit more in-between the other late game LMGs (the Maxim-Tokarev and M1919A6) which were also air-cooled.

The only reason I see the 08/15 getting added was if DF made the stupidest decision and adding overheat mechanic to the infantry LMGs.

But in the utopian version of our existence DF would add both mg81 (as a counterpart to the RD-44/Johnson LMG) and the 08/15 or 08/18 (as a counterpart to the M-T and the M1919A6).

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