A different way for the Gray zone to work instead of what we have right now

How about instead of the grey zone killing you your AI stop functioning and retreat to the objective while you stay behind and do what you need to do.


I think the devs would be afraid of people just sightseeing the maps/ running to the edge instead of fighting if you could just walk inside the greyzone forever.

Edit: Or spending the next 5 minutes just to flank into the enemy spawn only to get stuck in terain you never were ment to be.

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That is true but I think people will be more interested in getting kills instead of walking out of the map and it takes some time before it actually works so I think people are more interested in killing things instead of walking out of the map.

that is true but it’ll probably solve the Gray zone camping problem and anyone who heads into the Gray zone will technically be playing lone fighters except the enemies they’ll be bumping into have spawn protection and you’ll be walking right into nest of all the enemies and bots.

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The problem also is greyzones protect spawn points; being able to just walk in to the greyzone would allow everyone to just start spawn camping.

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That could be easily fixed with increasing the spawn protections time limit


and now that I think about it if my change were to go into effect this would help out snipers because now they can go behind enemy lines and start shooting them in the back of the head unless the enemies clear out the zone to make sure there’s no snipers camping behind their backs.

just change killing in the gray zone to real-time pin of the soliders in gray zone

I remember it used to be easily possible. I remember me and my brother used to gear up as a sniper, run behind enemy lines, and just snipe them from behind. We’d easily top the team’s scoreboard just by doing this. Particularly in Moscow.

Now it seems like doing that kind of stuff is impossible; the grey-zone is too close, there’s very limited ways to stealth behind the enemy, and even if you succeed there’s basically nowhere to hide that’s not out of your playable area.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very supportive of this suggestion. I’m just not sure how best they could prevent someone just setting up an MG outside the enemy spawn and mowing them all down as they exit, but not fixing it by just making the enemy invincible for longer.

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You can’t build in the Gray zone So what you have is what you have and you have to start stealing weapons off of dead enemies to get more ammo.

and now that I’m thinking about it maybe they can add a perk scavenger so you can get more ammo off of dead corpses.


Well, in my opinion, the “gray zone team killing” mechanic at the moment in the game (if you stay there too long) is completely stupid and kills some immersion when you play tactically and just do some flanking.

I’m not saying that I love campers and people who just don’t do anything and troll while running around the map, but the current “prevention” is completely lazy.

One of the solutions could be that your squad, which does not manage to retreat from the gray zone, simply returns to the queue window, and that squad simply receives a longer time penalty, in this way you already connect with another squad at the current battle point.

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I like my idea better where my AI’s return to the combat zone or the objective while you stay in the Gray zone playing lone fighter.