This is a collection of various suggestions I’ve had for AT gameplay and mechanics. Some new, some are ideas I’ve posted before in the past. The devs operate on their own schedule and we may make suggestions but they fade into the past and collect dust as time goes on; so sometimes I think it’s good to give a refresher. I can imagine in a few months I’ll make the same post again
First, make it so AT soldiers drop their gadget upon death. There have been times where I’ve killed enemy AT soldiers and thought to myself man I’d like to pick that up. Plus if our own AT soldiers die we have the opportunity to pick up their gadgets and continue the fight.
For British Engineers including Paratroopers rename their AT gun to QF 6-Pounder. While America and Britain did both use this same gun, it was British in origin and America later produced it as well. Britain may not be its own independent faction (yet) but it at least should feel unique like its own sub/mini faction. So British Engineer AT guns will be named QF 6-Pounder and American will be M1 as it is now.
For the Germans move the Panzerfaust 60 to BR 4 in the same folder as the Panzerfaust 100. They are basically the same exact with only a difference in range. Add the Faustpatrone and Panzerfaust 30 to BR 3 in its place.
This is more of an interesting hypothetical idea but what if we only had one single Panzerfaust. They were single shot, single use weapons, one and done. It makes sense that for other AT weapons to have multiple rounds because you wouldn’t carry one single Bazooka or Panzerschreck rocket. If they added the Goliath Tracked Mine they wouldn’t give us 5 of them. If we only had one single Panzerfaust it would make it so we have to make our shot count instead of bombarding the enemy. It would add skill to their use and be immersive
The Soviets are a little more complicated. Yes the Soviets did capture large quantities of them in the later stages of the war but I’ve always preferred and like that each faction be unique in their arsenals. There are various roads for this to take. The recently added lend lease Bazooka could be moved to BR 3. They could add some Soviet experimental AT weapons. The PTG-44, basically their equivalent to the Granatbusche, can be put in BR 4.
The LPG-44, the grandfather of the RPG, can be put in BR 5
However perhaps these experimental weapons will only be added as Event rewards one day. So in general I would just suggest that the Soviet captured Panzerfaust 60 and 100 could be moved to BR 4 (together in the same folder). And as stated I personally think the lend lease Bazooka should be moved to BR 3
Plus if AT soldiers dropped their gadget upon death then if you’re a Soviet and want a Panzerfaust go hunt for one
Next, I think AT squads should have their own unique AT gun than all the other squads. Every single squad with Engineers build the same exact AT gun. I like class diversification and prefer that every squad is unique in its capabilities so you have an actual reason to choose one over the other. What is the point of having Engineers in an AT squad if they can do the same thing as every other Engineer. What is the point of having an AT squad if you can put an AT soldier in most if not every other squad. AT squads should have a heavier more powerful AT gun.
Germans would still have the Pak 40 as it was their standard 75m AT gun. The other factions new Heavy AT Gun would be as follows
M5 3-inch Gun
UK, built by British AT squads
QF 17-pounder
Soviets, currently the Soviet squads build a captured German Pak 40, well I’d like them to be actually unique
Italy, built by Italian AT squads
Cannone da 75/ 32 Modello 37
Type 90 75m Field Gun
Regular Engineers and even the gift engineers in any Premium squad or event would build a general purpose AT gun. It would still be decent at fighting enemy armor, but it wouldn’t be as effective as Heavy AT guns. Engineers are supposed to be a support class in the first place. American, British, and Japanese AT guns would remain the same. The new general purpose AT guns would be as follows
Pak 38
Italy, built by regular Italian squads
Cannone da 47/ 32
Finally, Flak Cannons, heavy anti-aircraft guns, frequently found themselves in the anti-tank and infantry role where they performed extremely and infamously well becoming great versatile weapons. Flak Cannons could be added to AT squads as their special unique squad construct just as Heavy Machine Guns.
They would be versatile and can be used against tanks, planes, and infantry. They would cost most if not all of your Engineer points so you couldn’t build anything else. The crew would be completely exposed unlike the shielded AT and AA guns and easy targets for pretty much everything. They would be the infantry’s greatest and ultimate weapon against any vehicle. I think the pros and cons of Flak Cannons make them a dynamically balanced weapon. Very powerful, very vulnerable.
US: 90 mm gun M1
UK: QF 3.7-inch AA
Soviet Union: 85 mm Air Defense Gun M1939 52-K
Germany: 8.8 cm Flak
Italy: Cannone da 90/53
Japan: Type 88 75mm AA Gun