.30 browning machine guns

Yeah, they should, but they don’t.


The enlisted mg 42 has roughly 60-70% of it’s real life rof.

Only in terms of normandy matchup. Germany gets shafted everywhere else. The strongest faction are actually the russians.


this goes for all campaigns there the strongest of all the teams in berlin they get mg34 at level 9 but the russians dont get a good one till much much later until u unlock the dpm and then it sucks compared to mg34

I’m not calling it trash, I’m calling it “poop”. Just look at it:

It’s little, it’s cute but outside of emotional value, it’s worth shit.
MG34 is better in everything (you may argue about better sights).

As they should. Asymetrical ballance and stuff.
Russians have better SMGs for example. TBH I’m not sure where US excels, planes I guess?

more like 600 but it should be in the game indeed

The russians get an amzing gun called the PPS and an even better one called the PPSh. The mgs are literally the only good things germany has.

i love to watch German mains seethe noooooooooooo my mg34 isnt goood my panther isnt strong enough noooooooooo i cant shoot my fg42
yea yea germany suffers so much ughhhh please help us stomp more

i mean bf110 exists and the army airforce is still in an awkward place

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you should try the other guns every gun germany gets has 0 recoil leagues better than any thing the allies get
cant believe you say that with a straight face

Meanwhile russians: Well hello there little german

MG34 is powerfull as it should be.

Please no tank powercreep in Normandy (aka no tiger, no panther, no pershing, no jumbo).

Restrict FG42

Anybody has questions? No?

Also a reminder that we were talking about adding a new gun for the US

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imagine being sacred of one gun noooooooooooo ppsh is op but every gun the germans get is op but this is ok but ppsh is broken

P47 is by far the most broken plane in game, come on now. Also calling the BF-110 good while the Ju-188 exists…

lol what are you talking about? who wants to have “fantasy” weapons. Guns in this game should have the same “fire rate” as they had in real life.

first spilling out false facts and then after being proven wrong saying that facts dont matter, yea must be one of those classic “wastedwoodsman” moments ppl are constantly talking about.


nope bf110 is since it has good rockets, guns that are incredibility effective at AA and anti infantry duties all at lvl 4 also i only use the bf110 so i know how effective it is

well you should start using the Ju-188 then it is way better

why would i when i can get 19 kills with the bf110?

cause you ll get the same amount or more with one pass with the Ju-188

that 19 kills was in 1 pass and no i won’t since proning beats bombs and i don’t want to take too much changes when compared to rockets plus i also love gun runs and only the bf110 can do that

well enjoy the game as you like tbh. This is one thing. Ju 188 still better though :slight_smile:

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The only guns the germans get that are op, or even better than what the allies/russians have are the FG42 and potentially the mg34/42. That’s it.
Meanwhile the soviets beat them in all other categories.

Also, it’s not just PPSh, it’s all the soviets smgs. Though, let’s be honest, PPSh and drum PPD is the only gun you ever see the soviets using.

Man, I just love seeing allied mains rage out when it’s suggested that the germans aren’t op, or that the soviets get better stuff.