.30 browning machine guns

the americans need a machine gun to counter the mg42 since the germans use them as a submachine gun so the americans need a machine gun like that


BAR A2 ftw


but that one only has 20 bullets of ammunition and the mg42 has 50 and has a lot of cadence and that one doesn’t

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still prefer it anytime of the day. but, did you even think that if they add a belt fed browning its going to be at least a level 36 and above unlock? Like who is going to grind like a hog to get that when they are going to spend the rest of the campaign rocking the Bar A2 as if it was a gunner specific fg42?

si pero eso lo meterian si da tiempo en esta actualizacion ya que la mg42 es una destripadora cuando escuchas el tiro ya estas mierto y eso con la bar no tienes mas movilidad pero menos balas y no puedes hscer fuego de supresion y con la mg42 si que puedes ya que tiene 50 balas
en el cargador

what do you think about the Browning M1919


la 1 browing que te dan es una mierda ya que tiene bastante retroceso y no puedes apoyarla en muchos sitios la 2 que te dan si,la mg42 tiene una cadencia infernal y puedes hacer fuego de supresion

por lo menos si ponen la browing de .30 que tengas para 2 cargadores de 50 como la mg42 asi podrias contrarestarlo y ademas que los alemanes tienen un monton de automaticas y los americanos no

bro que por mi perfecto como si quieren poner elefantes con ametralladoras a cada lado. Lo que yo te digo es que el grindeo es la ostia y para cuando añadan la browning m1919 por ejemplo, todo el mundo va a tener full squads de bar a2 al maximo. y lo que tu propones es añadirlas para que le hagan frente a la mg42.

lo del grindeo tiene que mejorarlo pero lo estan haciendo ya que lo maximo que ganaba antes era unos 10 mil gratis y ahora puedo unos 20 mil gratis

should have been added along with the mg42 so we dont have to stand these kind of posts on a near daily matter. the problem is gaijin or df never thought about it and gave us the bar a2 which is excellent imo.

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es bastante buena pero lo malo es que no puedes hacer fuego de supresion y eso es una mierda ya que la mg42 tiene mas balas y la bar a2 solo 20 y no vas ha hacer mucho en enfrentamientos

a larga distancia

i mean… what i can’t stand abour Normandy is that the US is pretty f*cked. If we talk about submachines (not IRL weapons, just the game ones) the axies are damage beasts (the mp40 is a non-recoiled machine gun) and i’m nor enough level, but i want to try th MP44//STG44, because i readed that it’s as broken as th mp40 (compared both with the other american submachines).
The only aspect i see americans are better is on dogfights. The planes are smoothly better than the axies in my opinion.

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well, I kinda stopped using MGs in general because of the “movement penalty”, so I dont think the MG42 is OP what so ever. However I agree… I really think belt fed machine guns should become a thing eventually. The question is how to implement it.

One way it could work would be something like: it has 200 rounds, but has some penalty that MGs with magazines or box mags dont have.

Like not being able to fire on the move, or no ADS only hipfire, or maybe not sprinting / very slow sprinting.

Or they just add the 30.cal with a simple 50 round belt and make it work the same way as a MG42 with a boxmag, ( since in the end those "magazines on your trusted MG34 and MG42 are actually no magazines but just boxes that hold a MG belt)


I couldn’t agree more tbh

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YES YES, like red orchestra 2 and MG42

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in terms of smg’s its a bit subjective. for example the m3 and m3a1 might look shitty but they start with 6.8 damage and they get to 8.2 when fully upgraded. so basically you need to upgrade them to make them nicer. the stg is a beast straight out of the batch but these are facing mostly the m1 or m1a1 thompson. they both start as well from 6.8 and they get to be 8.2 just as the stg when fully upgraded. so if there is a disadvantage it is because ones need to be fully upgrade to be able to be just as the mighty stg.

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While I do agree the US is at a disadvantage, you cmpletely lost me here:

The MP40 Is mediocre at best. As while it’s amazing compared to the grease guns, it only feels like it due to the grease guns being complete trash. The MP40 is worse than the sten imo.

The only thing that’s that much out of balance there is the FG42.

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The problem with the M3 grease guns is that while they do hit decently hard, they still need 2 shots to kill someone, which is where the ROF fails them. And then there’s their horrid accuracy.