These are some things I would like to see on the 2024 roadmap that keofox mentioned we are getting. They are listed in order of importance. I didn’t mention new content such as maps or other stuff because I sure that will be on there and in all honesty I care more about fixes to what currently exists.
BR Matchmaking improvements
- Changing the BR system so it follows a ±1 BR or 12-3-45 system would be preferable to what we currently have where BR 1 players get matched up with BR 3 and get annhiliated or BR 3 players get matched with BR 5 and also get annhiliated.
Silver economy improvements
- From what I can tell players are suffering across the board to gain enough silver to keep up with their progression. I think part of this is that squads unlocks are no longer free and become increasingly expensive. Something needs to be done to increase silver gains.
Customization overhaul
- The foundation for a good customization system exists within Enlisted, it just needs some work to get it really fleshed out. I think some interface improvements to make customization faster and easier would be appreciated. There is also the matter of premium cosmetics being out of place on certain maps for a great number of premium squads. Customization for premium vehicles and APCs would also be nice.
More useable hull machine guns on tanks
- Newer tanks such as the Japanese ones and the Premium australian tank have usable hull machine guns, I hope more tanks are updated to have this utility.
Different engineer buildables at higher BR (better AT and AA guns)
- Bigger and better AT and AA guns at higher BRs just makes sense to me to deal with the bigger and better planes and tanks.
AI Improvements
- Improving the AI should always be a priority of the game as they are part of the core gimmick of the game. Progress has been made over time, but improvements are always very nice to have. I would like to be able to tell them to man emplacements or use the turrets on tanks/APCs.
Vehicle Assists “Count as Kills”
- One of the most consistently frustrating things that happens often in this game is when you severely damage a vehicle only to have teammate steal your kill and you are left with only an assist. Whether its a soldier on the ground shooting at a falling plane or a soldier throwing an explosion pack at an almost empty tank, it really sucks. There needs to be some sort of threshold for having vehicle assists to count as kills.
What other stuff do you guys hope to see on the roadmap?