Both models of FG 42 also had a 10 round magazine. I think both models of FG 42 with 10 round magazines should be added as Research Tree weapons. Also once again reminding that FG 42s had a bayonet, so add a bayonet to all FG 42s
They would be a great early automatic rifle unlock
Sniper variants can be added as well, giving a total of 3 weapons
I originally thought 10 round FGs could be added for say a Hermann Goring Division Premium/ event squad but then I thought that we literally have the standard FG 42s as research weapons for basically every single soldier, so what’s the point. I’m leaning towards it being Research Tree.
Allow the personification of weaponry and loadouts. the SAME fg42 should have the OPTION to get 10 rnds or 20 rnds mags. Perhaps reloading speed could be a balancing factor.
With that idea in mind, iconic weapons like mg42 or 34, should have options for belt length. the current 50 rnds drum could be faster to reload, or the longer the belt is, the higher the sprint penalty might be, etc.
Same thing with weapons like AVT (15 or 20 rnds mags) or type Hei (20 or 30) or 1919, or premium DP27 with belt, etc etc.
Adding the same gun with different magazin over and over again is not fun, sure it may help historical accuracy like ppsh41 being in both mid and high br but it’s definitely not fun to research the same weapon multiple times.
Honestly I think we’re in too deep to have any sort of attachment system. I don’t mind having variants of weapons. So much so that I think it’s fine. Hey if we get a Stg Vampir squad no big deal. Content is content
I don’t see an issue with variants and such for variety. It’s like the Tiger H1 what’s the point if it’s just a slightly different Tiger. Well it’s the first production Tiger so it’s neat from a historical perspective.
If we start going down that road we might as well cut and remove and even not add so many various things
as a BR4 or BR3 weapon maybe. Although autofire won’t allow it to be on BR3.
The idea is not bad. but I don’t see how it can be implemented.
Perhaps only as a sniper weapon.
i’d be leaning more towards making an event or premium squad with these.
which those are known for not being particularly efficient or too strong. perfect as sidegrades considering that the TT already has 3 ( technically 2 ) fgs.
plus, i want more luftwaffe squads that don’t lose their frikin appearance outside one or two campaigns.
ppl killed by a BR4 10-round FG still feels that it’s OP and get unhappy. ppl using the 10-round FG feels that it’s prospermia and get unhappy too. You’re making everyone unhappy.
Still, if you advise that there should be some 10-round select-fire fancy experimental guns in lower BR, I’ll support that, but in Battle Pass, not in tech tree. Germany is already having too many useless stuff in TT.