10 Round FG 42s

it could be useful as a BR4 gold order weapon if it gets a strong accuracy buff an slower fire rate.
anything else would just be a downgrade for everyone involved, especially those having to grind all the other german stuff


Better give infantry StG 45 (M) at BR V:

isnt stg45 (m) already a premium tho? wouldnt giving riflemen stg45 (m) for free defeat the purpose of the premium?

well this one has only 10 rounds and will be for infantry not assaulter

I think 10 round FGs would be perfect as earlier autorifles you unlock before the standard 20 mags


I originally thought that that we could get say a Hermann Goring division with a 10 FG but then I thought that we have the 20 mag as practically a standard issue weapon in this game when it was only used by Paratroopers, so I thought the 10 round could be better as an early unlock

I do want a Premium/ event Luftwaffe Field division Riflemen squad. I love those 9-riflemen squads. To me they are perfect representation of infantry. The riflemen was the backbone of all armies

In game, at least I have what I unlocked from the old campaigns, 4 Luftwaffe based units

  • Normandy Engineer
  • Normandy Mortar
  • Normandy Assaulter II
  • Berlin MG

I would like to at least have a basic Squad of all types for the Luftwaffe. My game style is different than most players. For example I try to have one squad for each era (1941, 1944, etc), I have some squads customized to be specific units, etc.

I would not give every single one of my soldiers FG 42s.When eventually we get Research Tree customizable Paratroopers I fully intend on giving them the FG 42.

The only other units I would possibly give FG 42 are the various Luftwaffe units. It’s at least plausible. Ideally I would give these basic infantry squads 10 round FGs, while the Paratroopers get the 20

10 round STG doesn’t even seem much better than a M1 Carbine to be honest…

i mean, i’m not opposed to the introduction, but i’d argue again, would be best locked behind a squad ( either prem or event ) otherwise it would feel more redundant.

and increases the already extensive grind for germany. which would be solved with sub folders. and it feels like a chore if you have to go through the 10 round version, then the 20 round version, then the FG II & Scoped FG II

feels unnecessary.

unfortunately, those are based on the squad presets.
aka ctrl c + ctrl v

matter of fact, you can check all mg squads and flamethrower ( outside type II i believe ) for berlin, and mortar squads for normandy, and you’ll see that all of them get the luftwaffe appearance.

the same goes with volkssturm uniforms over berlin.
it’s a standard preset that has been given to all rifleman type I, anti tank squads and few rare exceptions like ex moscow flamethrower, assaulter type IV, and riders.

so, those aren’t hardcoded luftwaffe squads unlike the ex g41 engy type II, paratroopers, kiraly squad, erma 44 squad, premium rider and stg horn squads.

those are hardcoded and their appearance won’t disappear in others theater.

there would be no need for that.

it would be much better to … you know. include the paratrooper helmet and cosmetic options to all presets.

but i presume given to the pattern, that luftwaffe units are meant to be premium only due to being … i guess highly popular.

yet the allies can straight up buy paratrooper uniforms for non paratrooper units.
it’s outrageous. it’s unfair.

( outside USSR. which i argue all nations should get said selection like the western allies ) as far as it goes for japan and italy, they can buy the paratrooper helmet for the moment being. but only the helmet )

glad to know i’m not the only one.

man… i can’t wait to finally being able to use them for historical accurate PVEs or PVEs in general.
slap them in style :joy:

that’s good.

““fun”” fact, there’s a photo of a Company leader, volkssturm with an fg 42 II

so since then, i decided to add 1 fg to one of my 6 volkssturm squads.

the others are set for various echelons ( 1, 2 & 3. ranging from better equipped, to mediocre and fully bare boned squads )

my pride and joy

but i generally agree. and sort of do the same.

however, for this squad with hipotetical 10 rounds fg, i’d argue should be an engineer event, or assaulters or even sniper type of squads.

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Well yes maybe BR 4 possible setup:

Only Japan wont have fully auto rifle but they will have 15 round semi auto

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Yes but in name those are the true Luftwaffe units. It’s cool to be immersive. For example, I only let the true Volkssturm squads actually have the Volkssturm appearance. If I have any other German Riflemen squad in Berlin I customize them to appear as army units as they are.

I definitely think there should be Paratrooper/ Luftwaffe cosmetics added since Paratroopers mostly acted as elite ground infantry since 1942.

If I could I would only make said Luftwaffe units be the only ones with Luftwaffe cosmetics. That way the particular units stand out. I have an army Assaulter squad and a Luftwaffe Assaulter squad.

They could just add a random squad attached to any Research Tree item. Oh this rifle now comes with X squad, etc etc

I don’t have every single squad from the campaign era but I’m curious what all of them were. I’m sure some here had every single thing unlocked. I honestly would like to have every single previous squad returned just so I have a lot to work with making so many different loadouts.

but that’s why the customization should be important.

to allow whatever anyone can think of.

it doesn’t partially matter if you just get a icon and a name but not their actual cosmetics.

which it’s why should be expanded for those non paratrooper units just like the allies can.

unfortunately, most of them were copies of other squads from other campaigns.

and were “removed” ( those are still there, but not available for post merge players ) by developers to for example, add medic class on newer squads and use those as a base for new introductions or unify TT upgrades.

some them, very few, actually got reworked to accustom apulets and heavy mgs. but if you notice, all of the tech tree squads are newer squads.

so it was easy for devs to rework.

same goes for cosmetics. it was easier to shrink the squads to work on.

and as james claimed ( unfotunately, can’t verify ) according to an internal poll, he claims that people that kept the pre merge squads, are a very tiny portion. most of them sold them because they didn’t saw the necessity of keeping them.

True, its just for me I thought it would be interesting if every single unit was unique. It’s like why bother having 5 different Assaulter squads. If I have a squad labeled Luftwaffe whatever I might as well make it Luftwaffe since I could just use any other random squad

That’s a shame because I certainly would never sell any squads! My log is already crammed with all the squads I did have unlocked and I don’t mind

Personally I hold out hope that perhaps classic squads would return perhaps in the mythical “veteran box” or hey just make a gift and give them all to me I don’t care :sweat_smile:

While many may be copy and paste I’m sure perhaps some are a little unique and worth it