Zoom out map when you are selecting drop spot

currently there is problem with paratroopers not being able to jump to playable area cause shown map only part of the playable area for some maps.

there are 2 problems compounded in this.

  1. general bad zoom that blocks access to playable area of maps. amongst others it includes area under squad selection that iirc affected rally points before (but i dont remember any recent example, was it fixed?) and default zoom that was good enough for previous maps, but isnt good enough for new bigger maps.
  2. after capturing cap, map is focused on old spawn points and making new playable area unavailable cause of bad zoom until server refreshes new spawn points.

so zoom out most maps when you are spawning in with paratroopers


yes please fix, it’s a pain

it could also have something to do with the resolution you’re playing on, i’m not sure… will test when i get the chance, there could be a workaround. But lower resolution players should still get to see the whole map.