Zombie now what is next for Enlisted




Harpy, Centaur, Minotaur’s, Naga, Vampires, Werewolf, not that i am asking

its early to talk about that, but DF sure as hell wont have an easy time creating an even better April fools event, this event was uber fun.
These options are lazy, I would like a more creative April´s fools than zombies replaced with werewolfs or BETA like aliens (walkers would return as TSFs!).


I’m dreaming of a non-fictional event (not moon, walkers, zombies) but something like WW1, Napoleonic wars, Vietnam, Roman wars, stone age ooga booga wars – anything just not fantasy.


I hope they encourage random events with new ways and monsters etc.

Imagine Dracula infesting a campaign game. Flying around and attacking players and sucking their blood making those bitten to rise up as vampires aswell that can be killed by players and those can bite players/team aswell

Stuff like this adds fun aspects to the game - adding it on holidays is fun

Or if its full moon werewolves is added to campaigns to hunt down players and voilently tear players apart again turning some into wolves that can be dealt with

Or on christmas the santaclaus comes flying with his reindeers and drop random gifts which have gremlins in them ! If they get to water the gremlins will multiply 100x

Lets see how they can imagine things to spice up the game :smiley: adding fun stuff now and then gives the game new life

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When it comes to this topic I already had an idea but I never got around to do it but if DF were to do something maybe they can go into D&D world of and have abominations like this.


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And with how dispersion works we can have bows and arrows and some sort of steampunk weapons and we won’t have problems thanks to dispersion.

You might have something here :thinking:

hqdefault (6)


Parameter to decap point with a timer so after a certain amount of time the point captured is automaticly decap.

I suggested it last year, I still hope they will add horses one day

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Musket will be so good in the slow paste movement.

yes, prehistoric warfare! It will be just like Rust where men in loin clothes hit each other with large rocks