Zombie mortarman

I tried to make a zombie mortarman. In the editor, he makes shots, albeit with a wide spread. But online he just sits and doesn’t make shots. What’s wrong? What could be the problem???

///The mortar itself.

gun_deviation__omegaDevInc:p2=0.35, 2.5
gun_deviation__movementDevInc:p2=0.0, 45.0
combatFiringRange:p2=1.0, 100.0

//Zombie mortar man














  min:p2=0.0, 0.0
  max:p2=0.5, 0.9
  maxEnd:p2=0.0, 0.0

  min:p2=0.3, 0.7
  max:p2=0.6, 1.1
  maxEnd:p2=0.3, 0.6

  min:p2=0.6, 1.3
  max:p2=2.0, 2.0
  maxEnd:p2=1.3, 1.1

  min:p2=0.6, 1.3
  max:p2=2.0, 2.0
  maxEnd:p2=2.0, 2.0


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Mod editor (local game) does not work the same as uploaded custom game (server side game). Because the handling is not by the client side local server, but the gaijin servers, which sometimes have different data/version installed

Then how can I make it work, because it’s more fun with menameth I tried it and I liked it :))))

You can ask Bazsi37 in discord server. We can talk there since discord has a faster response time

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Try search all and locate the ENTITY needed like weapon and added a NODE (ENTITY) to weapon. Add or spawn item and ADD a sequence of NODES to attach to the other ENTITY.

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Can you elaborate a little bit more. You seem to be making a point, but i cant quite picture what you are saying.
I see all your maps and they are quite impressive

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I left your discord. They answered me faster here than there. I don’t want to explain why, I think it’s unnecessary. Bazsi37, I can write here too.

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I guess you didn’t give us time to prove it. But its fine, its your decision.

I already asked Bazsi37. Maybe this can be added to my upcoming maps

Maybe try checking the mortar’s specialAIWeaponType. This make the AI know if the weapon is special. Like anti-tank weapons, pistol, and flamethrowers. Set it to 0 to set it to act like default rifles and machine guns

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I understand what you want to tell me, it may sound stupid, but I don’t know where I can get the source files. I only worked with what I found on the forum; if I knew how to do this, I would ask less unnecessary questions. Search through everything and find the desired ENTITY - UNFORTUNATELY I CANNOT DO THIS, ))). I UNDERSTAND THAT SOMEONE WILL NOT EXPLAIN ME HOW TO DO THIS??

Set to 0 to default to rifles and machine guns. WHERE IS IT??

Add this line into zombie_mortar_rm_40_gun

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I think i did tell you that you can get source files in the discord server.
We can post them on forum openly because the moderators are looking.

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By the way, I made zombie spam from your tanks. It turned out to be very simple, but I don’t know if it will work on the network. I added _use:t=“zombie_spawn_zone”. You and I discussed this once.

Can you tell me how you did it?



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Oh right, zombie_spawn_mode only check for the zombie_spawn_zone tag

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BUT I already left this server. They don’t help much there, I asked a question and they ignored it, I’m not offended, it’s just the habit of receiving information and constantly learning something, my minus. It seemed to me that I wouldn’t learn anything here at this pace. , IT’S A HABIT TO MOVE ON WHEN OTHERS ARE JUST CHATING… Thanks for the answer:))))).

YES, and he spams zombies. But I don’t know how he will behave online

I see, i will take the feedback and improve the server.
For now, lets keep contact on forums.

I expected tank will behave the same online

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I’ll check, maybe it will work.

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