❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

True, one problem is replaced by another. I didn’t do anything special except place objects on the map and endlessly reload the map while my bots captured points one by one. Team 2 spawns and stands still, and team 1 runs and captures points (You can see them in A) How can I fix this?

Use navmesh.
I have used this but it is not the same as in the picture

I solved my problem (it was my stupidity, but not navmesh, I probably won’t write so as not to embarrass myself)
Why is the effect not the same? It looks thicker in the picture, but is quite similar. Maybe the weather and time of day play a role?

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And what is the weather and time of day?

and how to pour water over something I want to make a puddle?

I speak in general, and not based on my own. But if you are interested, here are two screenshots

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Whoaaa! :star_struck:

Is it possible to do something like endless artillery or mortar shelling across the entire map or in some areas of it? With and without damage. If yes, please provide detailed instructions)

Is there a post by chance that describes the properties and instructions for bombing? I would like to know what each command means and how this event can be edited.