❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

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You can use console commands for check best time on your map. For open console you need to press ~ or `.

  • skies.setTime X (instead X write number) changes time.
  • skies.setLatitude X a bit moves sun.

Both console commands don’t affect to scene file and as result they will not saved. You just can write info from commands to your level entity.

Probably because all level__timeVec are inside weather code. And also default time is 12.

Not need to edit it? Because it should be automatically set from level__timeVec.


On maps of the Pacific Ocean, cars are wrecked in the water, and there is black water around them. I also saw a surface of burnt grass around broken equipment on all maps. Is it possible to make one of these elements in the editor?


we don’t have a texture/map painter.

Is it possible to somehow disable the visibility of polygons of objects and cars in the editor in free camera mode in order to take screenshots?

Press twice to restore


Need to press “~” button and print camera.free first when playtesting :rofl:

Is there an way to get rid of these grey boxes? They ruin many of my pictures

Also what is wrong with this water? It is an completely new map and i havent edited it

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I have reported it during the dev server but it was not fixed.

Is there an way to get rid of these grey boxes? They ruin many of my pictures

Remove -dev from the BAT file.
modEditornondev.bat.txt (111 Bytes)


Screenshot taken with Shift + Printscreen will be without interface & any boxes.

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Will this lead to disappearance of tank sight?

Not really.

It will be just without any info and cross.

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That’s the problem… I don’t want them to disappear. The result of using CTRL+Shift+G is the same

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How do you take screenshots? I noted that default in game screenshot usually hides these gray boxes/lines.

Also can you please check private messages.

I roughly understand how to change the color of ordinary vehicles, but I don’t understand how to do this with, for example, tanks or armored vehicles. Specifically, now I need to change the color of BA-11 to gray/dark blue. If you can make it easier, can you help?

You will need to edit animchar__objTexReplace. Click on + you will need to write texture name as text. I don’t know what name for vehicle texture, but for camo it’s will be ussr_camo_green*. After that just write another texture name.

More info you will able find in this post: [Guide/tip] How to Change Skins Of Placed Tanks in your map ( all tank camo available )


doors and windows do not open. How is this problem solved?

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Use ToolboxRendinst. And click on them. After that do Unbake or Instance. And you will got door/window.

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Scene_remover works, but after reloading the map (there were saves, of course), all deleted objects return to their place