❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

Will this lead to disappearance of tank sight?

Not really.

It will be just without any info and cross.

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That’s the problem… I don’t want them to disappear. The result of using CTRL+Shift+G is the same

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How do you take screenshots? I noted that default in game screenshot usually hides these gray boxes/lines.

Also can you please check private messages.

I roughly understand how to change the color of ordinary vehicles, but I don’t understand how to do this with, for example, tanks or armored vehicles. Specifically, now I need to change the color of BA-11 to gray/dark blue. If you can make it easier, can you help?

You will need to edit animchar__objTexReplace. Click on + you will need to write texture name as text. I don’t know what name for vehicle texture, but for camo it’s will be ussr_camo_green*. After that just write another texture name.

More info you will able find in this post: [Guide/tip] How to Change Skins Of Placed Tanks in your map ( all tank camo available )


doors and windows do not open. How is this problem solved?

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Use ToolboxRendinst. And click on them. After that do Unbake or Instance. And you will got door/window.

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Scene_remover works, but after reloading the map (there were saves, of course), all deleted objects return to their place

Do you have any screenshots? Are you sure that you a bit scale it and all objects are inside scene_remover?

While I was taking screenshots, I realized what the problem was. I made the area too big, so that’s what happened. A small scale already permanently removes everything that falls into it

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But no. The problem is different. When I remove the remaining scenery_remover area or delete it, all objects are returned. But creating maps is very inconvenient when scenery_remover is located on the desired area. Accidentally deleted - hours of mapping were wasted

Hmmm… I think would be better if you sent scene in private messages. I’ll look and try help with it a bit later.

I recommend manually creating backups scene.blk file when you do huge work before save.

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For now, I switched to another map and found a more suitable place for my idea. So for now I’m working there without scene_remover. But if something happens, I think I’ll write to you. Thanks for the help and recommendations.

I once saw a post where they made ordinary weapons shoot endlessly on their own. Is it possible to do the same, only with a stationary tank or gun? For example, which will stand in one place thanks to “Item_in_world”, but will shoot endlessly? Well, or as a last resort, without this command, in general, whatever you want, but so that it serves as a “living decoration”

Is this probably what you need?

To remove loggers (error messages) you will need a bit edit nodes (set weaponRoot on stationary_gun_fulcrum__node, ragdoll__wakeUpNode and in animchar_camera_target__node_name set aim). Also would be good to edit gun__ammo/gun__totalAmmo.


Will be much harder to do. You can try add it as postfix like in previously way, but they will be without rotate turrets. And probably need to fix more loggers…

There also another way that let you create tanks that rotate turrets when try to hit something:

You will need to use builded_auto_turret. Change animchar to tank. After that you will need to edit turret. You can do it editing scene.blk (you can open it using any text editors). You will need to edit this property:
In scene.blk you will able find code:


So you will need to add in entity body (it opens with { and closes with }) this code:


After that you will need to add turret entity after builded_sg_gun. For example if you want to use germ_pzkpfw_38t_ausf_F then add +pzkpfw_38t_ausf_f_turret_01_37mm_kwk38_t.

As result it should looks like it:



You also can add more “turret_control__turretInfo:object”{, but don’t forgot about body (open and close with {/}). Same ways with effects (turret_gun_flash_fx__flashNodes and turret_gun_flash_fx__flashFX), but they’re list<t> instead array!

After that need to give base_moon_soldier postfix to target.

And would be good to remove any loggers (error messages) if they appears.


It looks difficult, but let’s try. By the way, does the same technology apply to armored vehicles that transport troops as to tanks?

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Technicially they’re tanks. Same with anti-aircraft and anti-tank turrets.

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sorry, quick question, can you remind me how i can change the damage of weapons?

for example, make a TT_33 pistol deal more damage?

i kinda… forgot :upside_down_face:


You can do it editing gun__kineticDamageMult or edit hitpower in projectile code (gun__shell).