Your opinion on Horn StG event squad

Are you satisfied with the new Horn StG event squad?

I personally like the squad, I think that it looks amazing. Fallschirmjäger squads are cool in general in my opinion, though Im a little sad that the only soldiers with Fg42 pouches are armed with assault rifles.

Here are the raw stats of Horn StG and AT-44 (all other ARs included for comparison).
Note that all guns are max upgraded.

Horn StG is very similar to the StG45 premium squad so its definitely a good addition, but I was a little disappointed at first because the only upside of the gun is the relatively low dispersion.
Sights but that might just be me thinking that.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t expect to get super guns for an event, but comparing the Horn to the AT-44 which will have the least recoil out of all ARs and considering the difficulty of the event.
I must say that I expected the Horn to be a tiny bit stronger.

Please share your opinion
also many any thanks to Euthymia07 for the data.


Weapon is OK, but squad is not worthy to use, because soldiers have no access to +35 % vitality perk.


200% health recovery and 75% heal speed is better anyways


I also prefer health recovery and heal speed

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The Horn StG is functionally a very interesting gun, I like its stability, accuracy and iron sights.

The squad also comes with fresh drip, they just need to fix it for the bulge campaign.

Both of these squads are more of a collectible than anything else really, once they implement the gaijin marketplace to enlisted these types of squads will be put up for sale by veterans a lot because they arent worth using over regular squads that are maxed out.

The only event squads worth keeping are the paratrooper ones because you cant get them in the tech tree, which is really dumb by the way.

I like collecting things though so I dont mind squads which arent meta.


I think that if anyone was new to playing as Germany, this would be a very nice squad to have. Once they hit BR3 or 4 (and have enough other sufficient squads at that level), if they want to play at high tier, this squad will do fine. They’d have 5 - 6 other guns to research before getting to MKb so it’s a nice get. Buff a few other squads with some gold order weapons and things start to come together.

For veteran’s it’s likely just a collectible and that’s fine!

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I like it. Like above I use it with my STG 45 squad and they pair well. Engy has premium like engineer abilities. You can make AA AT and MG nests with it. I defended the Normandy hangar with the MG nest and got over 70 kills in the back right side of the hangar on the first point. The horn is very accurate and is good for two round bursts at almost any range just like the STG45. This is where i think the MKB shines a little more as well.


Love how at44 is magically the “bestest” ar. in the entire game… :laughing:

Will be fun to use.

As for the Horn, it’s really nice, dispersion feels low and it’s really easy to control. But, I personally don’t like the LOOK of the weapon, so strange looking. Nice to have for collection thought.


It is uuuuugly


Right? Stamped metal only, but for me it’s the strange bolt on top of it.

Very stable, thought, so even if it’s nowhere as good as at44 or as44, in the hands of somebody who aims, it’s truly lethal.

Buuuut that’s for tier 5. I stay in 2 & 3 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


it’s fine
it’s an AR squad you don’t need to level and it looks neat and the gun is good enough
i haven’t used it but ive played at T5 with just bolties and done fine

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