You should adjust the height at which players take damage and the amount of damage they receive

It seems unreasonable for players to suffer significant damage from a relatively minor fall, as is currently the case.

Imo fall damage is already soft.

I doubt anyone of us could jump down windows and buildings (while carrying 20 kg or so of gear) and land on rubble, without ever getting hurt unless the fall is 4m+ high.

There’ isn’t even a stumbling animation when landing hard.


True, but I am definitely not complaining. It’s fun.

To test how much damage were supposed to take I gathered every person who wanted to decrease fall damage. We’re gonna give them 50+ pounds of gear and make them jump from a window!

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Do you guys realize this isn’t real life?
Have you seen aerial bombs only kill enemies and not friendly ones?
Have you seen spawns miraculously create soldiers in battle?
I think you got the point…


and flame thrower should not set people on fire i mean bombs don’t lift people up into the air and throw them lol

Maybe you should start playing Hell Let Loose instead.

The lack of friendly fire is a necessary measure to prevent A-holes from griefing 24/7 (and sure as hell there WERE griefers, when it was allowed).

Fall damage is part of the gameplay choices intended to keep soldiers’ mobility within reasonable, if not realistic, levels. Same as guns ballistics. This is an arcade fast paced game, but built on realistic physics whenever possible.

This isn’t a game for slides, wallruns, grappling hooks, nor surviving free falls.

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I could list many reasons why it’s just another FPS and not a true simulation, but I doubt it would change your mind. Instead, I’ll stick to my suggestion of minimizing fall damage and increasing the height threshold for when squads take damage.

One clear example of how ridiculous the current system is can be seen on the Japanese map with the church. If you climb up the ladder to the bell with your squad and then run down, you’ll see them taking fall damage as they follow you. This issue also occurs with many rocks on the Japan maps and the metallic ladders in the hangars. There are even cases where jumping from a low height, like a first-floor window, results in fall damage.

that is clearly either a pathing issue or glitch depending if there going down the stairs or over the side, it’s bad enough as is when someone can jump out a window to gun you down, no fall damage i want to go john wu when you jump out a window so i can blow you out of the air with a magic shotgun i pulled out of my


yes but every shooter is not call of duty

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