You have doomed our new bloods for Germany

One thing I can say honestly if any of the new blood Germans see this make sure you use your gold order carefully and silver because this economy will not let you slip up if you choose to spend your stuff foolishly

Thank you and if you truly mean that just hide me so you can never see me again

Ye he’s a powerful draw.


Can’t really go wrong with Stalin because at least he didn’t lose the war

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Don’t worry because all the new bloods just buy BR V weapons and show up to my matches with 4 man squads, pumas and biplanes in berlin, and whatever else.

That’s just one of the problems I was trying to stop with this post because you can’t refund gold order weapons

It would be really nice if you had to unlock the tiers in the research tree before being able to que for that BR. IE if you bought a BR V gun but only had up to say g43 unlocked you wouldn’t be able to use it, and you would be forced into BR3 at most matches. Its just jarring, and I know its not just a german thing, the amount of stupid russian squads with mosin in berlin / BR V matches is probably just as bad.

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I’ve given up on public matches until the event hits and then I’ll be going back to that misery

Its not so bad if you join the darkside and just leave matches that are obvious steam rolls in the first few minutes, but ya its not great either. And its particulary bad for newer players who don’t know that 3 minutes into their match it might say they have 10 players but in reality they have 6 and might as well just leave too.

We truely live in a forum.

People can post Stalin all day, but I got a week ban for ironically posting Chadolf.


It’s all about nuances.

It’s the second time I post Emodolf and it’s fine. Because it’s clear it’s not glorifying the person but rather the opposite. I once posted a dragonball clash between the 2 dictators as well. Again it was clear fantasy so was fine

As long as it’s clear it’s just mockery, everyone just either laugh or “meh” as reaction.

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Unpopular opinion:

WW2 was a total disaster, and every single party has lost more than they could have possibly imagined.

No one won WW2.

It might be true that the Soviets beat the Germans - but in the end no nation has lost more lives during WW 2 than the Soviet Union.


True but at least the Soviets have nice things here never mind they’re standing over a mountain of corpses which are their own

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Where is second dictator?

Obscured from sight by the victors.


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Y’all are being huge A.holes to parrot.

Beretta 1918 /30 got me from start to finish in tunisia

Is pure awesome :ok_hand:

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This is basically playboy 1942 cover.
