You can hide deserter now?

Was this always a thing? cause i feel like it wasnt before


I understand the reason of hiding ranks IN MATCH, but I wonder why hiding them POST match?


Yet they’re still visible in kill feed for whatever reason.

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probably cause they didnt want you to feel bad (as if name deco doesnt do that already)

They should just remove them (ranks) completely at this point


yea and maybe turn those reward into bp level? what you think? is it a good solution?


I need this “hide deserters” button just to see my scoreboard lol.
11 deserters, 5 points lost in 8,5 minutes, thanks teammates :laughing:

dam low br german? cause high br german seem to be doing quite well rn

No I was Germany BR 5, got wrecked

oh i guess i was on different server then