You call this an improvement?

From their announcement I see they have no respect for players. have they ever look at what they write before then post it? what makes them think having a limit on the spare xp of 25,000 makes an improvement when it takes at least 100,000 xp for new toys in future? The topic should be "Continuing nerfing the economy " instead of the current one. At least this topic shows some respect.


They’ve already retracted it and are working to revise it. We Shall see what the second iteration looks like.

I’m surprised they’ve let it stand as long as they have. I’ve been unlocking everything the instant it was added since one patch after the merge. There was no way that was going to stay.


Making half of community of your enemy 101

My opinion is to add some new but rare weapons/teams/vehicles to the game. This is similar to the R&D Bureau in World of Warships. They require players to consume a lot of reserve experience to obtain them, and there are some different and interesting gameplays. They can also be used to obtain event teams that have been missed. The biggest problem is to let players consume more in exchange for more different gameplays, rather than restricting players from obtaining them.

This is where I stand. They were obviously going to balance it at some point, and so I dont get why people are surprised that they are introducing an XP limit.

Otherwise I wouldnt have to play Japan for the next 3 years with all the excess XP I have atm


I have so many spare exps I wouldn’t have to play the game for next 10 years, lol.

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cuz i much rather spending my time playing with the actual thing rather than having to play to get it in the first place when i already did so in the past.

not everyone has time to grind the latest things. so that’s why people stacks.

which i would like to remember;

you =/= everyone else.

granted, customs were pretty much abandoned.
but it’s not like players go there once the grind has been finished.