Yet another mismatch of uniforms

I was browsing through the customization options for the US and noticed these sand colored airborne pants. But sadly (as is usual at this point) there was no matching vest for the same.

Upon going to the mods editor I could find the complete set with the matching pair of vest and pant.

Please fix this issue ASAP. It is horrendous how many pieces you have gotten wrong/missing in-game. Makes me think twice before spending my customization tickets.



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Nice. So I need to pay $40 to get the entire set.


all you have to do, is to wait ( itā€™s not like you or anyone else can do much else )

as rule of thumb from james, if the pants are present in the customization, both matching the tunic and headgears should be available to be purchased as well. ( and vice versa )

but adding it for 100+ squads does take a time.
and from what i have been told, the person overseeing cosmetics is only one.

soā€¦ much fun for everyone involved.


Is she/he at least competent? I understand that overseeing customization for hundreds of squads is no fun.
But when newly added event/premium squads are constantly issued with mismatched uniforms, itā€™s really condemnable.

It really doesnā€™t look like she/heā€™s taking the job seriously.


i have no idea.

judging from this persons work,

he or she, made pretty much majority of the soviet options accurate.
and germans customization over stalingrad. that was pretty extensive

but when it comes to any other faction, there isnā€™t a whole lot.

itā€™s a 50/50.

has to work with what there is.

which, this person is not in charge of textures or models, only presets and matching options.

that, is a job of the 3d artists, and marketing team for the decisions. not this gear person.

although, take it with a grain of salt.
iā€™m getting different infos from different people, and trying to assest various reports together.

but yeah, it is grim to do all of that to one person.
tried my best to help too, but thatā€™s as far as i can help:

unfortunately, as it comes to presets with correct pouches, i had to abandon that project because i have been told that the editor cosmetic have different names from the ones they use to make presets.

i share the same sentiments, but keep them for my self for the time being.

iā€™ll only be more vocal and open once this " customization improvements / fixes " will be upon us.
the one mentioned in the " roadmap" .


I noticed this as well. That thereā€™s high focus on Soviet squads.
For example customization for AT-44 squad was fixed in first month after release, but customization for Horn StG wasnā€™t fixed to this day (at least as far as I am awere of).
Both squads were released during the same event last Christmas/new year.


Thanks for your words of encouragement. I sincerely hope that the situation changes for the better.

Just a side question who was responsible for changing the texture of the German plane tree camo? Have you had the opportunity to talk to that person and is there any further information in this regard?

they are ā€œawareā€. ( or so i have been told ).

they just havenā€™t changed it yet.

as the reasons why, itā€™s anyone guesses.

my guts tells me they havenā€™t done it, because it would then be the reverse opposite.
people who bought this plane tree* looking like a pea dot, requesting for a compensation or reinbourse.

or, they simply forgot and havenā€™t changed it yet.

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They should just compensate it. And give everyone who owns the current bugged outfit a free version of the outfit that represents the current bugged outfit. And just fix it.

Thatā€™s the most reasonable thing to do. And if itā€™s not easy to pick out just the people who are affected by this bug. Then they should give that outfit to everyone. Itā€™s their responsibility, itā€™s their fault.


I see. Thanks once again.

Like literally it requires a simple fix in ā€˜codingā€™. I think @ErikaKalkbrenner can explain it in a better manner. It was such a beautiful outfit. Such a shame.