Yes, a balanced game

I had to quit six games in a row. The games are completely unbalanced. But this one in particular was curious.

After four minutes defending alone, I had to desert. But when I went out, I came across this.


I hope you’re aware the game doesn’t have any rank-based matchmaking whatsoever. Whether or not you agree with that, you should be aware that it’s only going to try and match players by Battle Rating.


Gaijin has pretty much made BR3 useless when it comes to the match making, especially if they intend on putting them in BR5 matches. I could get by with my BAR’s and Thompson’s in BR5, however the M1 carbine is totally useless in BR5 and why would anyone want to use the M1 Garand when they can use the T20? So, Gaijin ruined BR3.


Besides the match, look at these, they use a better equipped br2 (I use a br1), they refuse to deal with the opponent’s apc and 2nd tank. Then waste time in the sky, desert, and don’t build effective resurrection points, waste manpower

They may as well merge it with BR4 since nobody is using that BR and just skips to BR5

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That’s been proposed as well. Back before they made it +/-(1) a lot of folks were suggesting 3 tiers BR1-2, BR3-4, and BR5.

I feel like if they did that, instead of this “sometimes BR3 joins with lower tiers and dominates and sometimes BR3 joins with the higher tier and deserts” it would make for more effective MM and for BR3.

It’s a an unfortunate common occurance

Yeah, level 3 has no business with level 1 and 2, and no business in level 5. So, as you say, just merge it with level 4 and leave level 5 alone by itself. I don’t play with any of my level 3 or 4 kit because it is rendered obsolete by level 5. If I want to play a low level game, I don’t dare choose a level 3 weapon because then I have the likelihood of being stuck in level 5. The system they set up ruins level 3. I don’t know why this is so hard for the DEV’s to realize. I know they think about playing numbers, but you’re not growing the game by having to bypass two BR levels, and if you stuck in a level where your weapons are completely outmatched your odds of desertion grow significantly. :roll_eyes:

THIS…Full agreement here. BR 1-2…AND ONLY BR 1-2. BR 3-4…AND ONLY BR 3-4 and leave BR5 by itself, as it does NOT need other BR levels. I really had thought when Gaijin somewhat listened and made BR changes, this is what they were going to do, but, I guess no. Maybe they should use their good eye next time their reading match making suggestions from the forum who pays for their premium content. :blush: Just sayin


I think the solution is to merge the BRs, reducing them to just three: BR 1+2 becomes BR 1, BR 3 becomes BR 2, and BR 4+5 becomes BR 3. And when that is done we should also eliminate the +/- in the matchmaking.


Players vs enemy full of console guys

Another pc vs console match

( in my team there is one marshal and 2 other litenunats rest of were silver guys)

I deserted :{

Good team

Another good team just 1 of our guy is silver

4. Some exceptions

we won bcoz our enemy team were not focusing on playing objectives…


I recommend to play german br III at 10::30 UTC, you will get most of br I-III matches, very rare to br III-IV

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