Currently, match human count are always unequal (due to lack players and unbalanced players count for different mode and faction, soviet always tend to play in solo, german tend to play squad mode).
Because human players always performe much better than bots, so which side has more human, then that side will more likely to win. This cause an unfair to those who played in the less human side. They get worse gameplay, less XP, and etc.
So what about using a XP multiplier at the end of match, giving those who in less human side players a >1.0 multiplier for a compensate? Like the multiplier depend on the ratio of human player count in each side?
Situation like these:
Or even (solo mode should only upto 18 players per side):
Those who in the less human side rarely get a chance to fight back. Just waste of time to be smashed and lose.
Even with the multiplier, they wont get a better gameplay, but at least, get some comfort on the XP, so that they wont get mad.
Also, those who in great human count player should not get a xp reduction, because it no their fault.