Worst tank in the game right now?

I nominate the Ha-Go there is a strong argument for the ha go being the worst tank in the game at the moment. Paper Armour, separate and limited vision machine gunner with only 20 rounds. Cannon has 0 anti infantry capability and it is so weak I couldn’t pen a universal carrier directly from the front :sob:


Panzer 2 C, simply a waste of tickets

It has a decent machine gun, idk if it has any anti infantry shells in the gun though

It doesnt matter if you use he or ap with a 20mm as the fragmentation will be not existing but number of rounds make up for that.

If you want to just look at the tank part and not utility I would like to nominate the Flakpanzer 1
which has a similar gun but exposed crew.


Ah thanks, just searched it up and seems like panzer 2 is pretty good anti infantry tank overall tbh, the ha go has 0 redeeming quality’s or uses so I really can’t think of anything worse


Definitely Hago.
It is a drum with Static machine gun equipped with a metal rod that can turn 360 degrees.


The only redeeming feature of the hago is the fact that it isnt open top XD


I’m talking about overall utility and tank, how do you get the flak panzer BTW it looks so fun, idk how to use aircraft and non if my squads can build anti air so just busting out an anti air mobile tank when you’ve had enough of being bombed looks pretty fun.

Even then I’d take the first Japanese anti air tank over it. A decent long range infantry killer and can get planes with some effort

The flakpanzer was an event reward so you cant get it anymore sadly.

Damn, do they ever bring these event rewards back?

I personally dont think we will see it anytime soon again.

Devs promised us to bring back the bigger event rewards from the marathon event at some point but I havent seen them doing it yet even once so I wouldnt put money on that.

All the recurring event items where only from a limited pool of normal event guns or unique pistols.
But no vehicles or squads so far.

Ta-se is total shit. Exposed crew, paper armour, no mg and bad main gun


Ka-Chi from Pacific preorder.

No MGs at all, slow AF, 47mm cannon deals no splash damage, 10mm armor on huge barn-sized sides



Because it’s considered a tank in the game. That’s literally its worst aspect.


It isnt even that bad.
It has 50mm from armor and if im not wrong there should be a second layer of armor protecting crew from the inside. The 47mm does some splash still but can pen more than most othere japanes tanks.
Plus it can swim.

It can pen a pz 4 frontally with 55mm of pen othere than the german counter part so it has something to cling onto.

But it’s a good troll tank!

The pontoons soak up shots!

It’s also a big boat that can carry 6 angry smg wielding tankers :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well it has a use as an effective AA at least, the ha go has 0 uses