Will we get two new maps?

Hello comrades!

The devs mentioned the maps Hurtgen Forest and Dominant Height, will it be two seperate maps? I mean blk wise, not just gameplay modes.

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yes. by the wording,

there will be two maps:

" dominat height "
" hurtgen forest "

hurtgen forest, well, it’s kinda generic as hurtgenwalde it’s mostly made out of forest.

as it goes for the dominant heights it’s just a speculation, but i believe it’s about the Battle of Kesternich

but of course, i could be wrong.

only time will tell.


correction. i missplaced the hurtgen forest, which it’s not in hurtgenwalde. therefore, the second map is most definitely not around Kesternich.


Kesternich is also not in the Ardennes. Neither Hürtgenwald is.


correct. i’m so stupid lol

i just realized it’s the ardenne offensive.

not the Battle for hurtgenwald in the kay valley


That we are no longer historically correct. OK, screw that. But you can at least expect that when a description of the new map is published, it will at least be halfway correct in terms of location. Since I come from exactly this region, it really pisses me off.

I know the entire Westwall in the region and have mapped every bunker. You can still find war material in the Hürtgenwald today. Last year I found a German cooking utensil and 8 bazooka barrels there. Without warheads, of course. The forest is still so dangerous today that there are signs everywhere telling you to stay on the public paths.


So they are actually adding siegfriedline conflicts before the bulge. Good. Hürtgenwald is relatively unknown.
I really want to see metz and lorraine valley.

My experience with their maps to date, is that while they may have a historic place name, they are really nothing at all like the places there intended to represent. In fact their so abstracted they could be almost anywhere…

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I don’t know where you’re from, but this battle is well known in both Germany and the USA.

It was one of the hardest, bloodiest and most brutal battles for the Americans on German soil. They lost almost 56,000 soldiers in the Hürtgen Forest. Killed or wounded. Germans and Americans fought hand-to-hand with knives in the church of Schmidt and stabbed each other like pigs. Even the altar was not spared and desecrated. It had to be reconsecrated after the war. Even today, this forest is still a place of horror. Anyone who has not heard of this battlefield has not paid the slightest attention to the Second World War.

If you ever come to this region you can contact me and I will give you an exclusive guided tour through the Hürtgenwald. Ardennes tour to La Gleize, Ambush at Poteau, Bastonge is also possible. Also not far away is Fort Emael with the landing of 72 German paratroopers. Everything is possible.

More maps, more historic maps like Arnhem, Nijmegen, Kursk, Cassino, Bataan etc and an equal spread across all BR. Larger maps, less TF2 type maps such as kalif caves or that normandy factory map. Game needs more maps for all BR and stop mixing up tiers.