Will we ever get UK and Italy as seperate nations?

I remember devs said back in the old days that UK and Italy won’t be seperate nations however they will be added in the future. Now we have USA combined with UK and Italy combined with Germany. Random squads belong to Italy (while having Italian only tunisian skins) and the same is with UK. Adding american “replacements” for British tanks (M3 Lee/M4A1) sparked some hope, but due to fact that we have new British squad for US in event, I don’t know what to think anymore.
Can someone tell me:

Will they add UK and Italy as seperate nations?

How is work going?

Is it planned for the near or distant future?

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It was never said


Ok, then why they added M3 Lee and M4A1 which are very similar to british versions?

I can confirm It was never sayed, back then keofox stated there was no plan at the moment for separate them, and in future everything was possibile

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@gastanofrizzi you became moderator, Congrats!!!


yea he been mod for a while now

Are there any excuses for that?