Will they provide solutions someday?

There have been “connection” problems for months, and it has even kicked me out of the game.

The question is… How come they have been having the same problems for months without talking about them, without solving them, without even responding to complaint posts?

And no, it’s not my internet.

PS: The square is because it obviously covered my location xD


Faced same issue here. Sometimes the ping the stops the game mid combat just for me to instantly die

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Problems like these, and the red letters on top that sometimes freeze the screen, have been going on for over a year…

That’s not even mentioning the invisible patches that are supposedly applied but are never seen in the game…

Anyway, I don’t know how they want to move forward with this game if they don’t take the iron out of the wheel.

I can’t even reset my perks without servers lagging hard. Their server infrastructure is really poor, during matches i can see some shots connecting but not dealing any dmg.

But remember, Enlisted is making billions of shekels every month, much more than those other inferior games that have better marketing and demand one-timre payment for pretty much the entire game.
So they have the best servers of the world. It is just you peasant who is the issue with server “issues”.

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If it’s not sarcasm, I think you should go to the doctor. xD

No issues here. Maybe a specific server?

I have it set to “any” so I wouldn’t know which server exactly, but what I am sure of is that it is in almost all games, even though I only have it on “eu”

Living in the Philippines I get periodic network interruptions, and usually after half a dozen seconds when it returns, my whole squad is dead.

you proved absolutely nothing with this. there are dozens of ways how it could be your internet fault without you even knowing it cause every time you test it, it shows perfect connection.

you can monitor your internet connection for 24 hours with this command in command prompt:

ping /n 86400 > log.txt

it will ping for 24 hours (leave command prompt open) and output results in log.txt. you can terminate it anytime with ctrl+c. when you check end of file you will get something like this

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1171, Received = 1170, Lost = 1 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 4ms, Maximum = 170ms, Average = 6ms

you are looking for packet loss and maximum ping response time for signs of trouble in your network. if you have packet loss then your connection is dropping and if you have significantly higher maximum (500+ms) server may drop your packet if configured that way (usually most servers are configured that way, it is just question of wait time).

even if you pass all of this you cant 100% claim that your network is ok, cause i had issues with my ISP where i could ping any address in the world, but i couldnt get http to work on any device in the house and after router restart, it couldnt connect to dsl/internet.

when you want to utterly confuse someone. do you have it on any or on eu?

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I pinged it at the moment when the game server started to fail, and when I disconnected, my internet was giving 600mb

In the game you can choose which server to enter;

Eastern Europe

Or you can simply set it to “any server”

I discovered that I have problems with “eastern Europe”

not a ping

well you said that you have it set to any, but it gives you problem with eu even though you dont know on which server you are on.

if you only have problem with eastern europe, then set it to EU or NA depending on where you live. dont leave it on any cause it is just asking for problems.

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If I put it on a single server there are 2 options:

1.- It takes 32 business days to find a match.
2.- Totally unbalanced game with bots and more players on one side than the other.

simply not true.

MM queue time is hard capped and you will get your match in max 2-3 minutes after you hit queue even if it is bot match. if you are playing in normal time for your region this will not happen.

putting on multiple servers, specially if they are in different time zones increases your chance of having unbalanced matches cause it is more likely that MM will match you in the game that lacks players in region with off peak hours (e.g. in middle of night). if you are playing in your server region, most of the players will play according to your time zone and you will just have to deal with regular unbalanced matches and not unbalanced matches cause they lack actual human players.

if you are one of the unlucky ones who is in australia or SEA, then it would be preferable to play server depending on local time for that server (avoid middle of night). otherwise select server that is closest to your region.