The T-28 is an anti-infantry monster with its 3 independent machineguns.
It’s prime drawback is its paper-mache armor that even 20mm, or even PzB rifles can penetrate frontally, and its otherwise nerfed shrapnel shell.
Now, the T-28E will have better APHE and applique armor plates which would literally address these two issues, and the applique plates will result in multiple spots will result in armor being thickened from 20mm to 50mm due to the additional 20-30mm applique plates.
The new APHE shell would also defeat every German tank available in the combat ranges in-game.
My concern is, the standard AP shell available to the Kwk37 barely has enough penetration to go through the T-28E’s armor, unless aiming at weakspots.
The balance of P4E vs T-28 was that while the P4E is a great all-rounder tank, it doesn’t have the raw anti-infantry capability of a T-28, however, with the P4F1 vs T-28E, the F1 will result in being an inferior tank in most respects apart from rate of fire, and size, especially given how its performance will be neutered with the absence of HEAT, and the patchnotes does not explicitly state it will be added, unlike the T-28E, which is noted to have the new APHE shell.
The effective difference between the P4E and the P4F1 is making the entire UFP a single plate, and increasing the turret armor from 30-35mm to 50mm. However, the standard 45mm 20-K gun ubiquitously available to soviet tanks will still have more than enough penetration to ignore this, so it would only offer protection against PT rifles from the front.
With the introduction of Tanker III squads in Moscow, you’re effectively re-grinding a P4E from 3 crew again, for no effective difference. I’d argue that the slanted plate in the P4E makes the tank more survivable given how there will be a spot in the UFP that cannot be penned.
If you all thought that the T-50 is a monster, then wait until the T-28E shows up.