What you think is irrelevant in the scheme of things around here.
Germany already has it good, and they will get more through events. (I’m sure)
US needs more.
Yes, the tree is rather lacking.
What you think is irrelevant in the scheme of things around here.
Germany already has it good, and they will get more through events. (I’m sure)
US needs more.
Yes, the tree is rather lacking.
really,Japan needs more too
Their starting tank which every player has is a prototype of which a single model was made. Their final tank existed only on paper. They had several advanced aircraft with some pretty aggressive armaments, even if they were only available in limited numbers there was still several times more of them than the aforementioned paper tanks.
They can use the missile bombers next door
I’m pretty sure they only need the Tokyo Arsenal to beat the Yankees into monkeys
the Ho-Ri production was an overcorrection… as was the Type 100 MG and the Type Hei Automatic…
the Chi-To should’ve been implemented as well as tt variants of the Chi-He and Chi-Ha, which ironically were a fair bit more common than some of the currently implemented TT tanks.
the seaplanes should be gotten rid of or foldered such that they are not the default aircraft; they’re too weak at tier 1 and they lead to new players taking up valuable slots when they’re uptiered, and they become sitting ducks… ki-43’s and ki-44’s need to be added, etc… etc…
Quite huge junk of them is just same gun reskinned.
I think what you’re saying is that Japan has been given fake weapons to gloss over the fact that they sucked at any form of war that didn’t involve them having diplomats in Washington D.C. lobbying for “peace and friendship” while their Imperial Navy orchestrated a sneak attack while sailors were asleep in port.
We’ve got to give them fake things to make them competitive
Those diplomats were delivering the formal declaration of war, and they delivered it late. There is a whole movie about that.
Then of course the US knew of the attack because FDR had been trying to force Japan’s hand with the oil embargo to get his isolationist public to support another foreign war.
Still, If they keep adding to Germany while ignoring the US, Japan.
Guess what will happen?
Power creep. Germany will be insanely strong, leading to allies needing buffs, which in turn will lead to Japan needing buffs. Needing to even maybe lead to soviets needing buffs probably.
Basically Germany really really does not need more stuff, even if alot of it is “filler trash” or reskined guns.
do you even know the different between most Thompsons? and the fact that out of the few they have, The only good ones are premium with the rest being “meh” to “okay” with only the M/21 being good
As man_bear_pig said, You are flat out wrong in a historical sense.
let alone Japan was not “terrible in war” or “sucked at any form of war” they did after all kick China’s ass, Korea, and most of the nations around (Past the USSR) until the US came in majorly (alongside the USSR remembering that Japan was a slight pain in the ass that they needed to slap.)
Japan in general just failed at a modern war. Due to failures to understand and grow. They were very much stuck on the old ideals, Alongside in general not being fully ready for war as is and losing a major supply of rubber and the likes.
they also were not very good allies if you really look at German and Japan’s connection, And even more so with Germany supporting china for quite a long while.
But this is off topic, Back to the topic on hand.
No. And fix your broken English.
You guys suck at trash talk. Alright. You want to talk history…
“Kicking China’s ass” was a very low bar in the 1930s. Japan had specific ambitions to create an empire modeled after the British and they set their designs towards modernizing their military for conquest; the Chinese were very much behind the times when Japan invaded in 31.
I mean…that’s all that really matters in this context. We’re not discussing the Sengoku Jidai.
No. Japan had made tons of preparations for war. The ground operations in mainland Asia were led by the IJA (the Northern Strategy) to secure supplies of coal, oil and iron and a separate campaign (the Southern Strategy) led by the IJN into Malaya, and the Dutch East Indies for oil and rubber. The Northern Strategy intended to thrust up into Siberia but the Soviets had other plans and told the Nips exactly what was what at Khalkhin Gol. The Northern Strategy bogged down and Japan had not stripped and secured the resources they felt they required for their plans of Empire from Manchuria and Vichy French Indochina. That’s when their focus switched to the Southern Strategy and they knew that shift would alienate the US. In the moment before Japan incited the Mukden, they imported 94% of all their oil from the United States. As they furthered their conquests, we tightened our trade policies with them to try to starve them of the resources they needed to make war. As the Japanese military strategy shifted to IJN leadership, they sought to sneak attack the US with the specific aim at destroying our aircraft carriers at Pearl, which would buy them enough time to conquer British Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines, and push their Eastern boundary into the middle of the Pacific. Their thought process was that that woupd buy enough time to exploit enough resources to bolster their military to dissuade the US from a full retaliation; their plan was to sue for peace and negotiate to the US a return of Guam and the Philippines in exchange for “letting” Japan keep its other areas of conquest…didn’t work out for them.
You’re misrepresenting this. The Japanese-German relationship was destroyed by the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The Japanese wanted Germany to attack the Soviet Union in the West to assist the Japanese efforts to push up into Siberia in the East. It was really Germany who wasn’t a good steward of that relationship…Hitler thought extremely little of the Japanese and didn’t really consider them a worthy partner. But he hoped to make use of them against the Soviet Union ON HIS TERMS. The Japanese didn’t know the M-RP was just a ruse to buy time. But the damage to the relationship was already done.
This is a completely ahistorical statement. Japan’s Southern Strategy relied upon a sneak attack.
It’s garbage if it doesn’t acknowledge that Japan always intended a sneak attack and only intended to formally declare war after it was too late for Pearl to respond.
That’s not how any of this went. You must rely upon the McCollum Memo for that opinion and the McCollum Memo is not a smoking gun.
If I recall the US got the pershing while ago, to even the tank gameplay.
Tiger H1? Was last TT addition for germans if I recall aka just reskinned tiger.
Quite sure this works for US too, so with what logic we can add stuff to US but not to others?
Probably same as with majority of german smg’s ?
Slight differencies here and there and the first smg that actually has high dmg & rof is the kiraly at the end.
Real, USA could have made a fortune by selling military hardware, but corrupt politicans chose to force their countrymen to die with them for no good reason.
Well at least after the liberation of Europe the Mobs that helped FDR to power could move back to Europe, the same Mobs that were forced overseas by the evil Fascists.
Why not give the US a shoulder-carried M18 recoilless rifle and then talk about feeding Germany?
Or why not give germans proper cas fighters before feeding US ?
Works both ways.
If you have any opinions, please sponsor the cost of English tutoring classes
When I learn it you can get an English hymn without rhyme
If you don’t want to sponsor
Just please continue to tolerate the translation:)
nah; don’t care for the kurtz, make it the full power cartridge, make it uncontrollable at anything but “I’m literally in bayonet range”, have this be the same with the T20E, AVT-40, AVS-36,
IDK what for the japanese, they’re… tricky to deal with for Tier V small arms…
move the FG-42’s to something like MG’s while offering 110% silver rebates. (that allow for all upgrades to be refunded)… move the M2 carbine to Assault (offering the same rebates)…
Maresal look pretty 1960s esque ngl (at least imo) that really cool