Why not give proper AP shell to T-28? Yeah, no KV1/T-34, but now Soviet lose its advantage in tank side!

Now, German get PZ4E, a proper tank for the battle.
But the Soviet only get a outdated T-28, and even worse, with the nonsense Shrapnel shell. In WT, players NEVER use that kind of shell, but quickly upgraded to a proper AP shell.
The shrapnel here is also useless. Please give Soviet some compensate for not having proper tanks.
T-28 in WT:
Default trash shell:

The shell that players normally use:

Shrapnel only get 30mm peneltration!

In opposite, PZ4E get proper AP shell, which has great advantages.
But for history realisitc, Soviet deserve a very good tank.


The KV-1 and T-34 would be invulnerable to the current German tanks we have available. I don’t think that would be particularly good for balance, do you?

Or you could read what he actually wrote… :thinking:

Or do you read the post?

yeah sure, just make it pen literally everything thats a good idea!.

A lot of tanks from every nation use shells that can’t pent too much, this is done for balance.

You literally said “soviet lose its advantage”, like bro, why the fuck should they have any kind of advantage.

If anyone thinks that i say this because i play germans, well, i play the russians so no


Yeah… sorry but thats a no from me.

Because in the current state, usually wins who take the first shoot on the other.

Unless angled.

But even than, it’s situational.

Either way, I don’t particularly see any necessity for a buff.

Disagree - it’s done because the whole tank system isn’t working properly in the first place!

“Balance” is a lazy excuse - the T-28 isn’t any sort of uber-tank even with proper AP.

Well, I played Moscow, and tanks are better than Normandy.

Because they actually have correct damage model.

I’m close to get the panzer 4, but as far as I tested, tanks work properly.

Exept the ba-11 along side the Pz 38…

Just… no.

The 1st one is a sponge armored car almost like the puma, the second, it’s a masked tiger.

No joke

I’ve pumped many 45mm AP rounds into Pz 2 and Pz 3 at short range with no angling and no effect - the Moscow tanks are just as broken as Normandy - exactly the same problems.

Well, I got shoot so many times, and I killed lots of panzers, bt7s… and many others tanks.

Lost the count, but just because it didn’t happened to me, doesn’t mean it still does not happen to the others I’m afraid.

At this point I don’t know.

This game has so many issues, and whenever we try to do something about it, new ones appears…


I’d disagree with this, the BA-11 seems anything but spongy. It’s very easily knocked out with shots to the front or side. I’ve been knocked out/ knocked it out with shots from the Pz.2 and 3e

good luck on the side, unless you know the exact components.

Nope, the T-28’s Sharpnel is too weak in a bit longer distance. Also the Sharpnel physics is so poor, that always cause mistery no damage.
See this: https://streamable.com/jm4a9x


puma vs M5 to a whole new level

Now he needs a buff.

I’ll have to disagree on this as well. The T-28 has many advantages already: it’s a big target with a lot of space so it’ll eat a lot more shots, it’s an awesome anti-infantry tank and because of it’s shape getting in an effective hit isn’t easy either. Overall I think it’s fine for the T-28 to have weaker anti-tank capabilities because of how much better it is against infantry.

Need a good tank? Have you forgotten the T50 exists??

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Im aware?