Why is the gorov LMG considered a semi auto rifle? and why the coenders is called mg yet, it's an smg?

that checks out…

No, once weapon is released. It shouldn’t change so dramatically. It could’ve negative impact on players who already bought it for what it was.

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In fact, “just smg” is a very difficult degree of developer permissiveness due to the developer’s different approach to the implementation of weapons.
According to the same logic, the BAR is just a heavy automatic rifle (in some versions it is normal)


Too late to change that, it would make players that purchased it unhappy

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like if… that ever stopped happening before


For example, the zk and lad were actually considered “Ultralight” machine guns to support the squad. Therefore, the developer can change the approach as he wants


I would really love to know… Is there any significant difference between RD-44 and LAD? Since one is considered smg meanwhile the other is considered MG (ingame).

As far I know, both use “smg ammo” and RD is light enough to not have movement penalization.


what have i bought

eh… i didn’t liked seeing 1/3rd right side of my screen anyway.

if you can’t see the enemy, he won’t see you, right? :smirk:


Probably because many people liked that flamethrowers, molotov, impact grenades and phosphorus have become absolutely useless weapons (flamethrowers can do something, but it’s literally worse than flamethrowers before they were processed at all)

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Yeah, it’s not good xD I’ve made the same mistake. Still better than Bren II and its sights tho.


I would say the RD using intermediate cartridges while the LAD uses pistol caliber bullets is a significant difference, RD still has movement penalties, but it’s -20% sprint speed due to it’s weight


eh, could be worse.

bots might make something good out of it.

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well, lad uses bullets from ppsh, and RD44 bullets from a Kalashnikov AR

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i just realized this thing doesn’t have selective fire /selector :skull:

in what universe is this a semi auto gun then?!


in the same one where the Americans do not have some kind of modification of the BAR in semi-automatic rifles

yeah only the BAR 1918a1 does

all the others have slow fire ones

hold on, i just realized:

the gorov is one kilo lighter than the 1918a1

but the latter is considered an lmg?

ah yes. consistency at it’s finest

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No, I mean that the Americans did not receive the bar as the antipode of the fg 42 2 in the class of semi-automatic rifles

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ah, in that regard.

well, they got the m2, which arguably does the same job but slighlty better in the cqc part.

it slighlty growned on me after my marathon grind of the usa.

Weird. I always believed it has no movement penalization just like Johnson LMG.

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