Why is the game dying

this online is just an op)

Maybe the developers will remove the imbalance in reinforcement points and capture speed everywhere?

Maybe the developers will give you the opportunity to change the contents of the parachutists’ box?

Maybe it is necessary to recycle or remove shock grenades from the game?


Why since I started playing the closed beta are there people crying and saying that the game is dying? Use another argument, they won’t pay more attention to you for saying that phrase every week.


because when there were campaigns, I understood where some faction had moved online. Now only bots and newcomers remain from the USSR

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IIrc there was no massive drop in the plazer numbers accoring to datamine.


You go to any game and thats all people say. Looking at the Dark and Darker discord and youd think the game was collapsing :sweat_smile:


I guess that they use it as a threat to the company: “If you don’t do what I tell you, you are going to die.”


Robihr said game has more healthy retention now


No, the millet reporting site is littered with reports with “I played 20 games for the allies, won once, I’m deleting the game”
given the lack of online access outside the USSR, it’s pretty funny.

people have invested money, naturally they will not leave so quickly

Well, I believe, looking at the 4 Americans in Normandy

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Aw man, but it was my turn to say it tomorrow

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Another proof that soviet mains love botfarms and will desert when facing real players.
Its not even balance, Soviets have some of the best weapons and vehicles in game, they have dominated all 3 eastern front campaigns before Steiner Counterattack.

I haven’t even seen people like Tony since merge, guess people like himbjust switched to another game where they can continue killing bots.

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The Germans are not leaving

Yes, they have been taking points in Moscow and Stalingrad for a long time, and they have fewer reinforcements. It’s definitely strong

It’s enough to play for the Germans

People are playing to see the new tech tree. That is why there is so many idiots with Mosins 1907 / Gewehr 33/40 in BR V matches. They are not a serious players.