Why is ping so high right? Like its smoking weed

So for few battles, I literally lost to bots because the gun doesn’t register hit due to frequent ping stutter. Never faced that before until last 2 days.

that was happening to me last night. I’m glad you brought this up I was starting to think it was the mouse.

Maybe they turned off one of the server’s life support?

I think it’s a rather large influx of Steam players - would be my guess. People talked about all the players on Steam were just existing players linking accounts, but I’m not so sure.

I mean, frankly, if I’d gone through the experience before where they released it, it was buggy, hosed accounts and then had to remove it from the store (and I only heard about it) I’d be waiting quite a while (e.g. make sure there are any bugs worked out) before I linked my account. I mean, that’s just common sense.

I’ve watched the reviews for the game steadily increase - like 500-1000 a week. That’s not too shabby and it’s still at “mostly positive”.

Until the Steam players were added, I’d never experienced the “network” issues. Granted, I’ve only played since May, and on the North American servers, but I’ve had it happen about a half dozen times, and only in the last three weeks.

I imagine the Devs know about the issue (server overload) and are working on adding more servers.

The matches have been remarkably easy in the past couple of days regardless of country or BR.

Think i have 13 game winning streak or sth to that effect. Hope that’s because of new players and not a further loss of players. :sweat_smile: