Why is Big Action mod so beautiful?

One could only imagine what Tommy would do with other battles.


It’s the scale , you can have more vehicles and planes at once, it is the indirect artillery fire, it is the building of heavy AT guns not in base game.

The only thing holding me back from constantly is the lack of xp, which doesn’t affect me as end game, but does disincentivise other players…


Big action is beautiful for the simple reason that it takes advantage of all the wasted potential of enlisted.

Tommy’s mod is a clear example that enlisted is a game with enormous potential completely wasted by its developers and that a member of the community cares more about it.

I don’t disdain the work of the developers, in fact I appreciate their effort, but I think they should also pay more importance to the game mechanics than to the graphics or unnecessary content.


Do you think this will change?

Same here. Why don’t the devs pay more attention to mechanics?

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One would like to think so, but don’t forget people exploited this in the past and it was removed…

Being retired from managing a US car dealership for many years, lots of things the Developers have me scratching my head about that they’ve done. It is like, they are great modelers, but have no business sense. :rofl:

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My real reason is love having mini airs wars, when 3-6 aircraft in game at once…

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Where do I find this mod ?

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Big action mod, the enlisted we deserve :slight_smile:


Wow yeah I just realised what you mean…

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Is there another variant of this that’s not a lone fighter mode ? I applied the mod that Ron sent me but it seems to default to only one mode.

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It may say LF, but then it comes out in squad mode when you play the match.

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