Why Game keep freezing?

GPU and CPU works fine. I can switch to desktop and running other program. But GPU and CPU is not running enlisted at all. After about 30 to 60 second, the game will recover by itself.

Can u give us more detail about it ?

2024_07_18_01_07_22__1592.clog (21.5 MB)

Game freezed around 14:22 UTC. Maybe you can find some detail in log file.

Are you running the game on a Solid State Drive? Old harddrives are not up to snuff when it comes to Enlisted

I was not sure about it is my GPU issue or game issue. So I ran another game while I was playing Enlisted. While the game was freezing, my GPU was still spending 17% power run that game.

Yes, I am running the game on SSD. It is PM9A1 NVMe Samsung. It came out on 2020, and is it old?

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You change recently to dx12?

I would second this question. My rig had some issues with Dx12 until it properly cached all the shaders

Yes, I changed dx12 to dx11 before. But it was not working well, so I changed it back after a few mins.

Also, yesterday when my game freezed, it jumped out a freezing warning. In the warning there are many DX12 files. After that warning jumped out, the game recovered itself again. But after I pressed “OK” bottom on that warning, the game just crashed.

I reported this on that issue reporting website of Gaijin games. You can checked it out.

its a common issue whit dx12, its generating cache

and dx12 can produce some crashes

Usually, the game will recover itself from freezing. It only jumped out a freezing warning twice. Once is yesterday and once is about few months ago.

But I am still using dx11, how dx12 affect my game? Is there anyway to delete dx12?

DX 12 is a game API so u can’t really delete it.

U can choose either to run Enlisted in Either DX 11 or DX 12

sounds like you need to update your video card drivers

i wouldnt share clog publicly. there is some private info in that.

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It just happen to me aswell when playing gun game the automatic gun was shooting at bolt ation speed

it happen to me everyday, one time per day, but only in the last 2-3 months (i play from february).
I have to restart the pc because i can t do anything.
the problem is that even when I reconnect after relaunching the game it doesn’t let me in, it shows me a screen of the battlefield without being able to interact or do anything, therefore a completely wasted game (maybe after half an hour of play); It’s quite frustrating.
I can’t post reports because as mentioned it doesn’t let me do anything once it’s frozen.
All drivers are up to date and I check the game files almost every day

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So that’s the problem. I am running the game in DX11, but my game freezed because of DX12 files. I have no idea why.