This is the game I just completed. I got into the control point once, but was instantly killed. Other then that, I never got close enough to even sniff the control point. Same with my plane, I got in my plane four or five times, and out of those times only managed three passes, the other times I was shot down before even reaching the control points one time. Unfortunately, this is the norm with Enlisted and not the exception. Good thing DF is working diligently on fixing this.
In my humble opinion enlisted is actually not dying and it is still a fun game
I love it, but far to many games like these burns me out. Even when I am on the good side, I take no joy on winning games like this as there is no challenge. However, I didn’t desert.
It is not dying but slowly turning into another low-quality game for idiots.
I take the NKVD squad and Im outa here.
Yeah, I used to live to play, now I am just finding it harder and harder to get motivated to play at all. So, after this event is achieved, I am going to take a vacation from the game. Not quit, but get a way for a few days or so and hope I can get that itch to play again.
Low br match are a lot a fun to challenge ourself
Enlisted recently reached a new all-time player high on Steam, 40% uprate since July. It’s hardly dying.
What doesn’t help the game is the type of rhetoric veteran players use when they have a bad game. Complaining that “ThE gAmE iS dYiNg” on the forums when you simply had a bad game (and didn’t do much to help by the look of that scoreboard), is simply not helpful for anyone.
And how many of those Steam numbers are just old players who wanted to save their progress on Steam?
6,8k “new” players in two or three months is a joke and so 3,8k active players on average.
honestly, as long as clans are allowed to enter random games, same class cycling and victory farming is not solved there will be favoured and avoided BRs for factions.
Soviets for example love BR2 because pps42 is the best SMG on its BR, outperforming most BR3 SMGs as well.
and I only cycled 2 SMGs squads here, now Im up to 3 because that is the easist way to comfortably farm this event.
Bad idea bad idea
trash idea
good idea
well probably a lot… although game has some increase in player numbers compared to last year(~20%)
Bad game? The vast majority are bad games. If I play 20 games a day seven days a week, I maybe get two or three good games a week, the rest of the games are non competitive. Is the game dying, probably not, however if DF’s excuse to not going 0/0 or ridding us from the soft rule and going 1/1 because they don’t have enough players then the game is obviously not growing. And the amount of deserters from my game is more the norm then an exception. Sure, maybe some are bots who were replaced by humans, but my games always have at least two, and I have seen as many as seven on one team alone.
Yes, it was a frustrating game, and maybe I should have done what everyone else did and desert as it would have been far less frustrating. Maybe I can learn something from them.
However, I stick around solely to meet my daily goals, as that is the only reason to sit through it.
So why title your thread in this way? It’s misleading at the very least.
A genuine advice:
We all know population goes around factions depending on current trends. Maybe the faction you currently play is unpopular, or if you choose “play any faction” option you’re more likely to join underdogs.
I too feel tired sometimes, and when I do, I join a bit popular factions. Or I fly my planes.
Don’t do something that isn’t enjoyable for you.
Well, better than decline I guess.
When I wrote it two days ago, I did not suspect that all these changes will be done so fast.
Your right, but it’s not going to grow unless they try and fix this. Like I said, this is more the norm with Enlisted then the exception. I’m old and stuck in my ways which is why I still play, but both my kids are young (31 and 18) and both quit playing last year because they said the game wasn’t fun anymore. I know they both still play war games, but then again they both play half a dozen online games so who knows what they play. I used to play War Thunder, and played for a couple years and don’t remember it ever being as non competitive as enlisted, however, I haven’t played in over two years so I can’t remember how competitive they were or even how many people are still playing.
From what i can see the games seem to be less and less balanced the higher you go in the BRs, but that is the same with Warthunder so nothing new from the devs.
BR II Allies vs Germans are usually the most fun games i get here Soviets are a bit more mixed as they sometimes have the broken BR I-II paratrooper guy or human wave noob attack, and tbh im not even interested in going up the BRs at all. I have yet to play BR 5 but i guess it is the same story as WT, the nation with the current fancy stuff just has all the vets stomping on the rest.