Why does the text over the briefing node gets cutted or outright leaves the header?

so, i’m trying to make an informative panel through my mods, because the portal is very limited for leaving informations and all the changes.

but, despite using the briefing node, for some reason, i have a couple of issues.

the text is cutted -.-

and why does the text over the: hints:t= do overlaps and exit from the header it self?

temporary code
  mission_name:t="Battle Of Foy ( By Erika Kalkbrenner )"
  mission_type:t="Historical Accurate"
  briefing_common:t="<color=#FF0000>Historical Accurate Mode</color>"
- friendly fire is on - Movements speed have been slighlty Reduced - Limited Vehicles ( no respawns for them ) - No Repair kits available - Engineers are disabled as well as Hammer's constructions - Civilians Ai ( if you shoot them, it's an instant game over )
- Assistant Gunners can place ammo bags and can replace main gunner by taking their main weapon in case the gunner perished in battle
- M3 halftrack is better armored, has a full 360° machinegun arc, can refill ammo - M7s grenade launchers might have smokes or frag grenades
  common_header:t="General Information & Tips"
  header:t="• Objectives •"
- doors despite being broken, do not disappear
- Ais Pathfinding ( because it's enlisted )
- M3 does not protect from fire
  hints_header:t="Known Issues & Bugs"


i remember that thanks to @Aurora_Pioneer_I & @tommyZZM , if you use the:

text here

it will slighlty allign it and prevent from " going " outside, but it doesn’t on the " hints ".

any… solution? or… suggestions to fix that?

because i tried to space it through normal spaces, or by using enter.

but it didn’t worked.

if not, thanks anyway


Does formatting codes like \n work in there? You should test it.

Something like "-doors despite being broken, do \n not disappear …

Or maybe HTML formatting will work? <color=#008000> looks very HTML-ly to me. (but it actually is not that. nevermind)

Ultimately, try to find a briefing among scene.blks that could solve your problem.


that’s… unfortunate

did not worked


that was more for colors. which apparently works over the hints and " common " but not elsewhere.

maybe @Enginya knows something more about it since she worked for a bit regarding the ui (?)

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I just tried some HTML syntax and the editor crashed immediately lol

Oh, br do work. @ErikaKalkbrenner


But don’t use triple quotes, interpreter will ignore it.

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care to send some examples?

because it didn’t worked for me when i tried it.

"line1 <br> line2"

If you’re interested, you can try out what other elements are available, but some elements like p(paragraph ) will cause the game to crash.
I hope the devs can directly publish the list of available elements

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weird ._.

hints:t="- doors despite being broken, do not disappear <br>- Ais Pathfinding ( because it's enlisted ) <br>- M3 does not protect from fire"

yet doesn’t work:

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You forgot an “/” in the closing br


  hints:t="- doors despite being broken, do not disappear <br>- Ais Pathfinding ( because it's enlisted ) </br><br>- M3 does not protect from fire</br>"


not gonna lie,
i don’t know much about this stuff and it irritates me that it’s not simple as it should be…

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hint does not seem to support this syntax, but it’s worked in “common” property

So i actually opened the editor to experiment

\n works just fine

In your case:


I think the Hints section was never designed to be formatted, thats why nothing works there.

Maybe the editor can read custom CSVs, i am trying to test that right now.

EDIT 2: It doesn’t work.


It seems that in the text data of the game, it is just a simple line break.

Is there a way to repack this file after editing?
Or can the mod add its own custom text?

Tbh, I just got into mod editors today so I don’t know anything.

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Is there a way to repack this file after editing?

Yes, but it would be worthless, as modifying any game file triggers a file integrity check when launching a game.

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We need the ability to load custom CSV files, currently the game only recognizes path only inside the lang file.

Best solution until then, is to cram every important info into hints.

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i swear.

we have a briefing, which cannot contain more than X test.

then you have the portal, which it’s equally limited, and no actual solutions.

dunno if consider it funny, or. sad.

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Hi, i’m totally far from this UI. Only worked on Sandbox UI. It seems that formatting mode is just not enabled in this particular text field i.e. text string element used, not text area element.


sounds like an invitation for a suggestion.

thanks anyway

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