can we get APHE and APCR or at least a better solid shot for the 75mm shermans?
Because us Americans aren’t allowed to have anything nice
Or because DF felt like it. Who knows
greedy bastards. " you need to buy a premium tank for standard issue APCR"
like damn kinda hard to KO a king tiger with 92mm of pen at 10m
What else do you want with sherman its already great in tier 3 against jap
Americans do not deserve anything better than training ammo.
Tbh, I am surprised theirs weapons are not loaded with blanks.
why, cause you know US is number 1?
I was just joking.
das ist gut
I though you were gonna be one of those people who think the US was only good cause they had so much resources. which in fact in 1944 the US had very low resources.
It would be great if we could change ammo load and unlock better rounds via squad upgrades. Sometimes i would want to take more HE if there are no enemy tanks in use
75mm has the best anti-infantry capabilities out of all BR3 tanks and the AP round is adequate.
I can easily destroy Panzer IV tanks with it.
Nah thats the 120mm Chi-Ha.
I meant tanks with actual AT capabilites, Indeed Short naval gun Chi-Ha is amazing, I have recked up countless kills with it, but its not reliable in tank vs tank combat. Especially with its paper thin armour and low power to weight ratio.
I want HEAT for most axis tanks not HEAT in large quantities only with paid tanks.
iirc the Sherman could in theory fire HEAT
indeed 75mm heat did exist at the time
i believe the HEAT shell of the 105 or 75 gun could UFP a panther
wait till they add the SU/ISU 152