Why does "remove unnecessary" keep assigning weapon?

Well idk if this is a bug or not tbh i just notice it today that they keep assigning weapon that arent reserve weapon for some reason


A BR 5 gun is very necessary for sitting in reserve. Times are rough.

Amies seem to like Garands for reserve duty.
Commies and Jerries stick to stock BA rifles.


My USSR army prefer svt38 tbh idk why quite weird

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I guess is that the disarm button assigns the rifle with the least amount of stars, and now that every weapon can have zero stars, every weapon is eligible for reserve equipment.

I have hundreds of 0 star stock rifles on all sides, yet the game gives a soldier 3 star Auto-Hei rifle from BR 5.

The logic behind the “Remove unnecessary” is indeed a bit broken since the star count changes (sadly this can easily happen when you change something while you have countless interlinked systems :/) … the sort also broke, but we already reported that. Guess we’ll have to add this to the pile too.

It should pick the last weapon from the first weapon type that the soldier could equip (which should be rifles), but due to the sorting bug, the last weapon is no longer the starter rifle … at the same time, in certain cases it somehow ignores the first weapon type (rifles) and picks the last weapon from the second weapon type (f.e. in case of Assaulters or Machine Gunners).

They remove the unnecesary, like my CAT badge from my profile.

It also prefers to put swords instead of knifes in case of disarm.

BTW, when I launched the game, it updated, but there are no patch notes anywhere, was there a quick shadow update or is it just something exclusive to my PC?

I noticed this just now as well

good to know devs are aware, hopefully the fix comes soon