Why does P-47 have a spawn delay on every map but Pacific?

Because I’m seeing this “spawn p-47 and wipe out enemy spawn location and suicide crash in beginning” tactic being use quite regularly lately

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In Pacific all plane haven’t it as far I played from the last update, idk why… Maybe a bug or intended you should ask an helper or alpha tester

@Euthymia07 @Shiivex

Doesn’t reflects my experiences. Since the P-47 is such a great airplane for farming event points, everyone tries to stay alive with it as long as possible.
Throw away it just for one rocket strike is huge waste.

Definitely suiciders are way more rare than people who play normally with it.

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It’s a known issue, it’s because carrier planes never had the 120 sec timer since otherwise it would take way too long for them to go to the battlefield
But since there isn’t separate cooldowns for airspawn and carrier planes, spawning instantly happens


I thought it’s just 90 sec.

Hopefully they can obtain separate cooldowns. or at least carriers get a 120 sec timer modifier that brings them to 0 on the planes themselves.


The 30s of pre match starts + 90s of delay = 120

Oh xD I didn’t really include that.

So when will the Pacific Ocean add early high-altitude respawn point blockades?

No planes have a delay in the Pacific because carrier

A modder could fix this in 2 min. I don’t know why they not prioritize this. Been a problem for so long.

so whats the issue? its a great tactic

even the p38g can do the same