Why did you guys removed the M8 Greyhound, GMC 75 haltruck, sherman_pacific, sherman 105 and all japanese tanks from the editor? re-add them back please

Actually all event tank have premium in their name. Btw, I remember that 105 is not named premium right?

Perhaps they’re about to add them in a few weeks and they don’t want these vehicles to be “pre-used” by us, dunno, just guessing.

no. you don’t understand how the editor works.


it’s not hard to understand, nor read.

when i open it, those went missing. because THEY ARE NOT IN THE EDITOR ANYMORE.


so… same works for you, if you don’t understand how the editor work, you shouldn’t even be bothered with.

i already answered to that above. they were working fine (otherwise i wouldn’t have included them )

not all of them. they have different tags ( some of them )

not sure, but it didn’t had the tag.

again… if you’d know how the editor would work, all of you wouldn’t give these senseless answers which i didn’t really needed…

Your explanation are weird tbh. You said they are not in the editor anymore. But I said they are still in the map file right? But you keep talking about editor?

M5a1 rhino (battle summer), jagdpanzer4(fiery November), bt7a(silent hunter) all have premium tag. Unless there is other event that I forget.

no shit?

i’m speaking of the editor.

literally in the title. explained across 3 messages.

what else do you need? a giant sign?

well, yeah, you are forgetting the clothing pieces, those are not named premium neither BP cards and stuff

Not in the editor don’t mean that dev can’t readd them right?

And those thing are not event tank.

but why removing them in the firstplace?

that’s the primal question.

why removing them in the first place, and leave the others?

( don’t answer, cuz you’re not a dev ffs. once again, i’m askin for them. not you )

( admitting that they will aknowledge or even answer to this post since all the derailing from you “lovely” people )

My assumption is those vehicle are still in the map file but not in the editor and it may reappear when dev readd them in the editor. If it won’t work, then just say it. Don’t give confusing explanation like this. Your explanation are suggesting that I don’t know those vehicle are not in the editor anymore.

except… if you’d know how the editor would work, you would not say such a stupid thing.

because there’s nothing " confusionary " in that replay.

and if you do, i’m aftaid that’s on you.

Because I say the vehicle entity is still in the map file. But you keep saying it is not in editor, which didn’t answer my word.


those are tags.

and hate it to break it to you, but guess what. we also have other tags that leads no where because those were left inside.

same goes for the sdkfz 251/10.

if you go in the editor, and try to place that, it’s inexistent.

same goes for the m1 abram.

you know why?

of course you don’t know. otherwise you wouldn’t be so naive and stubborn.

because those got R E M O V E D from the editor.

which it appears you can’t even read the title.

so… you tell me ken.


And you still can’t answer how will they not reappear when dev readd them in editor.



I protest, this is an infringement of my rights.

i honestly don’t care

this thread doesn’t really have to do with you, now does it?

Nah, I agree that you don’t agree that they removed these crooked models.
But on the other hand, this text annoys me.

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wow… even from the base game:


And they also have removed the T-80 and M1 tanks in the old events for a long time:no_mouth:

They did it long time ago.
Since when we got access to editor?
Or maybe even when event ends. Idk.